Neapolitan Sweet Sandwich



11 months, 7 days ago


"do you ever wish that everyone could get along?"
  • neapolitan sweets sandwich, affectionately called "neo" by most, is the younger of pinkie pie and cheese sandwich's children. while he is close to his parents, he seems to have withdrawn in the light of recent familial issues.
  • while at first, neo resembled his parent's personalities, in his growing youth, he seemed to mellow out more and more and more - even "losing his curl" as pinkie puts it, referring to the way his curls have become more limp as he's grown older.
  • neo has become pretty quiet, though not unwilling to talk. he simply isn't as bouncy or energetic as the rest of his family. it's been puzzling to see him reflect pinkie pie's side of the family more and more.
  • neo loves spending time with pumpkin more than anyone in the whole wide world. she has been one of the few sources of stability in his life as of late.