


5 years, 10 months ago


⎌⤺⦁ Cody the Young Athlete ⦁

im cody and im a football player at my local highschool, im in my junior year and im 16 years old, im the youngest and my class and pretty much the runt of the litter. that means the others get to pick on me whenever they feel like it, which my mom says is wrong but my coach says its a chance for me to toughen up, i take his advice over my mom's because my coach seems to know what he's doing and my moms advice usually makes others laugh at me, like the time i stated I actually liked the pink uniforms the school makes our team wear and everyone called me a fag for it. i have really bad anger issues and it gets me into a lot of trouble sometimes, i have inappropriate outbursts and i break things but i always feel really bad afterward. i go to an after-school program that's like tutoring for low income boys who don't have dads. which I do have a dad and i see him about once or twice a month but he's not allowed to come to my moms house because she doesn't like him anymore. my tutor's name is chuck and he's also a pharmacist in town. he does a good job at helping me with my schoolwork but sometimes he gets really drunk and falls asleep or sends me home with cash for the bus. ive started walking home and pocketing the money, which i hide in a hole in the wall behind my bed. 

i dont really have any friends so theres not a lot to report on there but when i get bored or lonely i like to go to an abandoned truck stop down under the freeway and stare at the graffiti the words and pictures always make me feel like im not alone

my favorite foods are burgers and potatoes, both with a lot of cheese and chili fries and blue slushies. i dont really like spicy foods or fish.

Species: goat

Age: 16

Gender: Male (He/him)

Occupation: High school football team

Likes: The color pink, Burgers, Cheese, Slushies, Football.

Dislikes: His mom, His team, School, Being smothered

Body: Skinny and frail.

Sexuality: Straight/Undecided