Bloodied Sands // OTA//Pending



7 months, 29 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


Aklfhdsfkjdh last kiddo from my design spree I think ack <33 hehe I’ve just been having a lot of fun with these babs

Anywho, not suuuper happy with how they turned out, I think their color scheme got a bit messy, though I do like their mask :00 hope u guys like em!!



- Sandwing

- Touch their mask and they’ll bite u

- No one really knows who they are, and they don’t remove their mask in front of people

- Thinks quite highly of themselves

- a brilliant fighter, and prefer talon to talon combat. Offend them and they’ll straight up lunge for your throat

- Their venom is quite strong, usually having a quicker effect than weaker sandwings venoms (I headcannon that sandwing venom potency varies between dragons based on genetics and other aspects!!)

- Will probably approach u in the street and try to sell u a finger

- lives in a little hut thingy they set up in a desert cave, a bit of a mess, but it doesn’t matter as they’re rarely there

- probably can howl

- alternatively they could be a leader of a small nomadic gang of sandwings? Perhaps even a rebel group thats fighting for something??


💛 USD or Points > Art, Characters, Customs, ect

💛 Open

* if your offering points, please respond to the last person that offered points!! (If your offering art, you don’t need to tho :3)

(And definitely interested in spooky designs atm!! (Or just trades in general) Idk some of my fav designers include sikaverio, bleufik, Thaiede, and aaa so many more, honestly any hq designs <333)


Design by me, Nyx35

Base by EatWurmz
