


10 months, 22 days ago



Concept Art
Real Name Aurelius Iliad
Alias Armada
Race Pennari
Homeplanet Elios
Organizations Ballroom Blitz (2163)
Stellar Wing Brigade (2140)
Wings of Renown (2140)

...born as a sickly runt in the war-torn landscapes of Elios, a planet where might makes right, Armada defied the odds from the get-go. But then there's this rumor that Armada didn't just rely on skill. Some say he dabbled in physical enhancements, turning himself into an... artificial force of nature, I suppose that doesn't really matter because he's brought Elios results. He's been in wars we can't even fathom, ended battles that shook entire planets for years. His battered white overcoat tells tales of countless victories and defeats, badges adorned his uniform like an ambitious boyscout trying to fill up every part of his sash. He's done it all, seen it all, won it all. But the million dollar question is: What is he trying to prove in the Vortex?

Red, Vortex Unveiled | # 562

No one knew what led the major general away from the constant, raging wars that his nation had caused. It was a big mystery, but imagine the surprise when Armada joined the Vortex. Maybe it was all too easy; perhaps he believed the contestants in Unum were more formidable than the usual dogfights in the air. Either way, he had traded that for something new because if there was anything about Armada, he'd chase a lightning storm if it meant there was a chance to fight it.


Armada stands as an imposing Pennari figure, an anthropomorphic bird adorned in the stark contrast of black and red. His white feathers create a striking visage, complemented by a pale red beak and taloned extremities. Armada dons a meticulously crafted full dress uniform, featuring ornamental details such as medals and tassels that attest to his military achievements. Over this, he wears a well-worn white overcoat with a bold red interior. Religious beads grace his neck, adding a touch of solemnity to his martial presence. A sheathed sword completes his formidable ensemble.


Armada exudes a stern and disciplined demeanor, embodying the essence of a true military leader. His character is shaped by the militaristic ethos of Elios, the planet of his birth. Despite being born as a sickly runt, Armada's indomitable will, ruthlessness, and unyielding determination propelled him through the military ranks. He is not one to be underestimated, and his commanding presence demands respect from both allies and adversaries. Armada's demeanor reflects a disciplined adherence to duty and an unwavering commitment to his nation's militaristic ideals.

Criminal Record



· Stormbringer: Armada's trusty sword, forged with Pennari craftsmanship. Its razor-sharp and infused with aetheric energy, capable of cutting through almost anything.

· Pennari Weaver's Nanobots: Integrated into his uniform, these nanobots provide emergency medical support, accelerating the healing process during and after battles.

· Pennari Weaver's Mirage: Integrated into his uniform is a cutting-edge Holoclone Mirage. This technology allows Armada to create multiple holographic clones of himself during battles, serving as decoys to confuse and disorient his enemies.

· Elios Echo Beads: Faith is stronger when the gods echo back.


· Unverified rumors circulate regarding Armada's physical prowess, suggesting that he may have undergone secretive physical enhancements. The details remain shrouded in mystery, contributing to the aura of awe and fear surrounding the general.

· Armada's dress uniform, adorned with medals and tassels, serves as a visual representation of his dedication to Elios's militaristic principles. Each decoration carries a story of triumph and sacrifice, showcasing Armada's unwavering loyalty to his nation.

· Armada's proficiency with the sword is renowned, and his sheathed weapon is a constant companion. Whether leading troops on the battlefield or participating in ceremonial events, his sword reflects both his martial prowess and the solemn duty he bears.

· Despite his fearless demeanor in battle, Armada harbors a secret fear of confined spaces. The vast openness of the sky provides him comfort, but enclosed areas evoke a sense of unease.

· Armada carries a string of religious beads, not just for their symbolic value but also as a good luck charm. He firmly believes they bring him luck in battles.

Profile by Erandia

The Heavy - Short Change Hero
