The Forest Stalker



8 months, 24 days ago


An Entiry that may be helpful or harmful based on his own whims.

He will stalk lone hikers in the forest and either ensure they travel safely, guiding them safely through the trails should they become lost or guiding help should they become injured. Or he will cause them to become terribly lost, never to be seen again, some think perhaps he even hunts these people.

There does seem to be a higher chance of escaping his Malice if you are kind to the forest. Do no harm and no harm will befall you. However this is not a sure thing as people will still go missing no matter how respectful they are of the forest.

He seems particularly find of spiriting away children who are allowed to wander from the group. Often these children are found safe and well cared for, a warning to keep a better eye on them next time. Sometimes never to be seen again.