


7 months, 5 days ago


Name: Lapin Lapis

Series: Galactic Sugar Rush

Age: 17

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Favorite Food: Bagels

Likes: Appearing mature

Dislikes: Childish things

Personality: Lapin has an obsession with appearing mature and adult-like, and is quick to call out her sister for being childish. She does care about her younger sister, but is hesitant to show this.

Home: ??

History: Lapin is the older sister of Lop.

Current Bio: Lapin is currently unaware of Lop's adventures and is enjoying her normal life.

Meta-History: Lapin was created in 2014 for the final project of my creative writing class (which I posted here: Galactic Sugar Rush but you really don't need to read it because it's not written well). She was just created to give Lop an older sister, and she plays a similar role to Charlotte from my Ten Seconds to Midnight story of being  a mean older sister. idk why I've made a few of those to be honest, especially since I don't have any older siblings myself (I'm arguably an older sibling lol but only by two minutes).

Relationships with other characters:

Lop: Lapin thinks her younger sister is too childish. Despite this, she does care about her.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!