🗡️Archangel Euphorbia🔪



7 months, 21 days ago


Archangel Euphorbia 


 NAME   Archangel Euphorbia, Millie 


 AGE   Approx 500 

 RACE/SPECIES   Angel, Shrike + Crown of Thorns hybrid 

 GENDER   None 



An angel that does the dirty work for Seraph Helianthus, functioning as judge, jury, and executioner.


  • Weapons
  • Blood and gore
  • Being praised
  • Impaling things


  • Boring deaths
  • Losing their prey
  • Being ignored
  • Datura


  • I forgot why their nickname is Millie sorry LOL
  • Their nature is based on the hunting behavior of loggerhead shrikes, which impale their prey on thorns.


  • Their helmet is a falconry hood with barbed wire around the neck.
  • Whatever weapon they use has a tally mark of their victims killed with it.
  • They often have keepsakes of their favorite victims on their weapons, including feathers, flowers, eyes, etc
  • They are 13 ft tall.
  • They are not skinny and are muscular, built very strongly


Euphorbia finds most of their joy in causing pain and violence to other angels that Helian has given them permission to harm. They will gladly drag angels to their dungeon and test out any number of weapons and tools on them. Their favorite methods are impaling victims, they enjoy watching their prey squirm and struggle. As long as Helian gave them permission, nothing is off limits. Millie will even indulge in consuming their victims. They love testing out new flavor combinations of angels.

Outside of their job, Millie is extremely maladjusted to society. They live in Helian's castle and little to no normal angels know about them. Thus they have no friends aside from Helian, and all their knowledge from the outside world comes from Helian.


Rank and role

Historically, Archangels have been the right hands of Seraphim. They are a Seraph's most trusted ally, trained from birth to serve them. This usually includes very important tasks like protecting the Seraph, fighting in battles for them, accompanying their seraph on important missions, and other things.

Personal Life

Even before Euphorbia was alive their purpose was assigned to them. "Millie" was raised by Helian specifically to be the next Archangel. Unlike previous seraphim Helian had more malicious purposes for their new archangel. They were indoctrinated in all of Helian's ideals and morals, and never even considered them to be wrong. From a young age they were taught how to kill those Helian deemed malignant and wrong. Though they were scared of it at first, they came to love it, becoming something they found a lot of fun in. As an adult all Euphorbia knows is violence and following their seraph.


Helian  Seraph 


Datura  Victim