


7 months, 27 days ago


Everything Has a Price

Name Baoshi
Age 37
Alias The Archivist
Gender Male
Sexuality Stright
Pronouns He / Him
Role Shop Owner
Race Maskeer
/ delete

Even words have weight in Gold
  • Baoshi is a very quiet person but a very good listener. He knows all the town gossip
  • His qntique shop is called "Forgotten Gifts"
  • Baoshi lets Shiyan stay with him and takes care of him like an older brother
  • There is a second room in the store for meetings
  • Baoshi in privet practices a bit of magic / delete
Reference Here

Baoshi is the archavist of the Cheng famiy. Before he moved to the mainland, he worked for the Draak family before the fires. He esccaped with a few documents and his non blood brother, Shiyan.

His antique shop runs as a front for an information broker ring. He hs "The Tea Room" in the back where patrons from all over come to converse with other partrons in the presense of Baoshi. In exchange for protection and a safe space, Baoshi hold their information. His network reaches far across between people who owe him favors and thoe who would rather not find their secrets in the hands of their enemies.

While most of Baoshi's informants are keps secret, and many never acctualy visit the shop, some of them are higher up powers such as the Wind General and Nitalia. A few times, Baoshi has had a few close calls with patros uncontrolled and uneffected by the threat of information leaks.

Baoshi's largest problem is Wing Gaurdian whom posesses the power to both take on all of Baoshi's protection, but also one of the only ones with information on Baoshi. The dynamic is fragile and tense.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

I have seen enough to know it is more wise to run and live, than to try to be brave and die

Baoshi is extreamly observant. He can pick up on just about any movements, breath changse, or eye movments that give away somones thoughts.

He specalises in observaation and is extreamly hard to hide from.


Baoshi is easily silver tounged snake. He knows the exact words that someone wants to hear and can manipulate any covnersation to get what he needs

This crutial ability has kept most of his career alive for years.


Baoshi was once the archivist for the Draak family. He lived in the caticombs as he sorted artifacts, doccuments, and family matters.

Durring the fall of the Draak family, Baoshi was one of the few lucky people to escape the fire and lava as Cocolia distroyed the dynasty. He is partily haunted by the dreams of that day./p>

The fires and the burrning documents that Baoshi had given his life to plauge him in his moments of solidarity and he lives partialy in fear of fire and of thoes who were there that day.

When he moved to the mainland he brought with him two canebones, Caine and Able. He doent ever talk bout them or where he got them as he pulled them from the fires of the ruins back when he was broken enough to try to find some life within all the death.


  • Baoshi prefers Earl Grey tea above all else.
  • He is allergic to Catterpilars.
  • The Tea Room is set up to deny and scatter any audio devices.
  • Baoshi visits the army to buy unclaimed antiques to sell in his shop.
  • He hates tile floors.

Some words here
Aesthetic Dark Acedemia
Alignment Lawfully Evil
Sin Pride
Virtue Patience

Designer Socks7
Obtained Puffer Fight Event
Status Unavalible
Value $35


The non blood brother of Boashi

While they are related very distantly, Baoshi consideres Shiyan one of his only family members. He woekred in the caticombs where Shiyan worked and pulled him from the fires durring the fall.


Walks Caine and Able.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!