


7 months, 16 days ago


Name: Jacks Hiune
(jaks, hī-yo͞on)
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Unknown, over 20
Height: 5'5
Species: Two-face (his "other-face" is the bird suit/costume he possesses)
Abilities/powers: Physical manipulation of others (like puppeteering!) or ability to infest and take over other's bodies permanently
Occupation: Bounty hunter

Personality: Jacks is a one-of-a-kind, original bird. He is highly judgmental and calculated, always trying to break you down to get into your head. Both literally and figuratively, as he has not only the ability to possess you, but also the ability to permanently make your body home to his sea of maggots and vermin living under his costume. Everything makes him laugh, and once you're no longer funny to him he will move onto the next.

Backstory (summary): Jacks, once the hilarious jest for Wellsor's top mercenaries, found himself bored of being the subject of attention and wanted an occupation more fulfilling--one where he could be the one laughing. When Simon saw his unmatched possession abilities, he was recruited as a Bounty Hunter. He shares a close relationship & mildly romantic relationship with Snare (bounty hunter of Heimloft)
Pose/expression ideas: (Feel free to draw whatever you want! These are ideas if you are not sure)
-An elaborate & elegant pose
-Laughing, his true form slightly discerned in his mouth
-True form revealed, snarling

Texture: Costume/bird suit is made of patchy feathers, limbs are dry & dead skin, true form is skin with patches of hair. Teeth are shiny