
6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Dominick

Pronunciation: Dom-Min-Ick

Nicknames: Domin; Ick; Nick; 

Gender: Male
Species: Ferret
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 187 cm
Personality: Kind yet tough, cares secretly. Dapper gentlemen. Genuine nice guy with no motives besides to make you smile. Sweet. playfully mean if he likes you.

Favorite Color: Ocean Blue
Favorite Food: Fried chicken drumsticks with mashed potatoes skin on and homemade spicy Cajun gravy with biscuits; Fried fish and chips;
Favorite Drink: "Sea water" his mix of blue food coloring, sprite and coconut water!
Favorite Game: Fallout 4
Favorite Music Genre: Metal, Hard rock, Death core, Gentleman's dubstep, classical old time (pirate era) pirate metal

Skills/Talents: Sailing, Swimming, Diving, Fishing (various ways, by hand and multiple traps and lines), outdoor wilderness survival, can bench press 250lbs like it's nothing
Hobbies: Fishing, Sailing the ocean blue, Acting like he's a pirate captain, boat building, dock building, cabin building, Learning how to be a proper gentleman some days and a savage pirate by others through history






-Going to the beach

5 Dislikes:

-Being misunderstood

-Told his wants are childish

-people thinking when's he's being kind he must have some motive to only his gain 

-improper gentleman's 
