The refugee



7 months, 21 days ago


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"How can you justify yourself when you have caused everyone in your life suffering!?" Peregrine confronting his father, King Flint.


Prince Peregrine

Peregrine is a runaway prince and lab test subject who found his way into the corruption forest from being on the run. The spirits found Peregrine and took pity on the child, seeing how much he went through at such a young age. They took him in as one of their apprentices so he could learn how to defend himself and find a home among the spirits.

Gender Male

Birthday Dec 1st

Homeland Alari kingdom

Occupation Apprentice

Class Prince

Species Reptile alari

Age 14

Height 2 in a half feet

Mentor Soren

Sister Celeste

Mother Queen Estelle

Father King Flint


Peregrine is a shy, quiet and skittish person. He’s only paranoid from the anxiety he has gained from his trauma both from his royal life and lab life. When he realizes he’s in no danger, he’s a pretty calm and chill person, just more quiet. Peregrine spends most of his time reading or being close to his friends.

Although he doesn’t really agree with what the spirits do most of the time, he knows they will protect him from danger so he stays near them. He’s very attached to close family members. Since he’s lost his mother and sister, he can’t afford to lose anymore.

Trust issues and family

He’s very kind and despite having trust issues, he tries to let people in and to get along with his new found family with the spirits. He's willing to give his life for them if they are ever in danger. However he’s scared to be hurt again..


Hobbies Reading

Likes Indoors/Books/Crafting/Being close to loved ones

Favorite Food Strawberries

Pet Peeves Soren's ego/Sol burning things/Being chased around/His dad trying to take him back

Talent Very fast, despite his injured leg

Dislikes Sol burning things/Pranks/Fighting/Arguing

Least Favorite Food Insects

Voice Claim ?

  • Peregrine loves reading and read a lot when he was in the castle. He visits Annona's library a lot and stays there reading for hours.
  • Because of him being raised as a prince with a clean freak father, Peregrine likes clean spaces and enviroments. He often keeps his fur clean and doesn't like dirt or mud.
  • Peregrine is a demi god from his species, he doesn't really realize how big of a deal that is.



Prince Peregrine was born into the Alari kingdom, which is infected by zombie-like monsters that eat and tear others apart. Peregrine always stayed indoors due to this reason. He feared if he traveled too far from the kingdom, he would be taken away from his family or killed. He grew up with his two older sisters, who loved him dearly. He was a mama’s boy as well and always stayed close to his mother, Estelle for comfort. Peregrine spent most of his days reading or following his mother around. Peregrine had a good relationship with all of his family members, except for his father, King Flint. Flint was very neglectful and put a lot of pressure on Peregrine for being an heir, despite Peregrine not showing much interest in wanting to be a king. Their relationship grew worse when Peregrine would watch Estelle and Flint argue when he would pretend to be asleep. One night after an argument with Flint, Peregrine ran away from the kingdom.

Book I

Despite his fear, he just wanted to get away from it all, he planned on coming back. But he never would.. A few zombie monsters found Peregrine. As soon as the little prince knew he was spotted, he bolted farther into the woods, trying to lose these creatures. Peregrine stops at a dead end at a cliff and despite his efforts to escape, he’s completely surrounded. Peregrine curls up and cries for his mother, expecting to die by getting torn apart by these monsters. He’ll never get to say goodbye to his family, tell them how sorry he is for leaving them. How could he be so stupid? is this the end? Peregrine closes his eyes, waiting for death to take him. However, someone kills the monsters before they can get to Peregrine. Peregrine feels the splash of blood falling on him. He opens his eyes confused, but his fear grows worse as a C.H.A.I.N.S. Hunter hovers over him. They stare at the small reptile alari for a moment, before chaining the prince up and dragging him back to their base. That C.H.A.I.N.S. hunter brought Peregrine to the C.H.A.I.N.S. leader, Lyra. Seeing potential to use Peregrine and turn him into a weapon, because of him being a demigod species. She locked Peregrine in a small cage and let her employees make sure he never left. He was heavily guarded and had strict supervision. He was tortured and put through thousands of experiments. Everyday was a living hell and a nightmare Peregrine prayed everyday he would wake up from, being back in his mother’s arms.

Book II

A scientist leaves Peregrine’s cage open one day, leaving room for Peregrine to escape. Peregrine crawls into some vents until he finds the outdoors. However, as soon as a security camera spots Peregrine. The alarm sets off, and a dozen C.H.A.I.N.S. workers go after Peregrine. In a panic, Peregrine runs into the forest as these hunters try to capture him and drag him back to that hell called a lab. Peregrine stops at a dead end again, just like when the zombie monsters chased him. However, instead of stopping at a huge cliff, he’s above a huge cliff. He looks down to see the far deep below and hesitates to move. However, as the hunters try grabbing Peregrine. He thinks about that cage he was forced to stay in and his days of torture. He can never go back. Peregrine makes the choice that could risk him his life. He jumps. Peregrine was free now.. But the cost?

Book III

He permanently damages one of his legs, forever giving him a limp. However, he didn’t complain. He will take losing a leg then suffering to those monsters ever again. Even though he was free, he was still hunted down by C.H.A.I.N.S. and labeled as a fugitive. Peregrine spent months hunted down as if he was some criminal, trying his best to survive and avoid ever going back to chains. One day, he wanders into a strange dark forest, where he is found by the corrupted spirit Soren. Feeling sorry for the lost child, Soren takes him in and introduces him to the other spirits. Peregrine expects them to treat him with hostility. But they instead treat him with respect and even welcome him like he’s family. Soren ends up taking in Peregrine as a apprentice later on. A year passes, and Peregrine happens to find one of his family members, his eldest sister Celeste. However.. His happiness doesn’t last long as Peregrine is informed his sister and mother are both dead. He never got to see them again, and they died thinking he was killed by the monsters. He’s still in grief, but luckily he has Celeste and the spirits. However, Peregrine blames himself for the fall of his family, and believes everything would have been okay if he didn't run away. He carries the guilt everyday.



Celeste is Peregrine's older sister. They were always close at the castle and usually Peregrine ran to her for comfort. When Peregrine ran away, his sister was killed and the blame went all on Celeste. She took the abuse for years. When Peregrine found her again, only to get the news both his mother and sister are dead. He was filled with grief and guilt, thinking he's the cause of Celeste's abuse for running away. He loves his big sister and usually stays near her.

Queen Estelle

Peregrine was very close to Estelle, and usually followed her so he wouldn’t have to deal with his father. He loved her dearly, and he now carries the guilt that he never got to say goodbye to her and he might never get the chance to.


Despite Peregrine usually getting annoyed by his self loving ego, Peregrine can see he actually has a good heart deep down and has a lot of fear and insecurities. He knows Soren would kill anyone who dares try and hurt Peregrine, and sees him as the parental figure Flint never could be.


As soon as Canyon saw Peregrine had a limp leg, he would attack anyone who dared to cause Peregrine harm. He acts as a big brother figure to Peregrine, usually teaching him fighting tricks and telling him stories and giving advice. Peregrine reminds Canyon of his foster brothers, and he will protect him and not fail like he did to save their life.