Hi, I love the stories below and totally get if you pick one of them, but just thought I'd pop a wee bit down in case this catches your fancy. 

Just as a trigger warning, it's quite dark and includes environmental degradation and death, but ends on an optimistic note. 

Viridian once lived peacefully in the woods with their mother and three siblings. It was a peaceful existence, grubbing about in the dense undergrowth for food, scampering madly in mischievous games with their sibs and sleeping all curled up together in their cosy burrow at night. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to the blissful family, there was a large sewage pipe pumping its toxic runoff into the river nearby. One day, the nuclear power plant in the city sprawling on the other side of the road bordering the forest dumped the remains of a nuclear waste spill straight into the sewers, and the pipe faithfully spewed its noxious contents right into the woodland brook. Heedless of the danger, Viridian and their family sipped the water as usual. 

It was a terrible night. Viridian woke to the squeaks of anguish of their mother and siblings as they writhed wildly in the soft moss of their nest. By morning, it was over, and Viridian crouched alone amongst the bodies of their family, now cold and still. They stayed there for who knows how long, an eternity maybe, sobbing quietly and cursing themselves for being the lone survivor. Eventually, they crept out of the darkness into the harsh light of day, parched by a desperate thirst which tore through them like wildfire. They dragged their shaking form to the river to drink deeply, but the more they drank, the thirstier they became, until they felt like their entire body was consumed by flames and all they could do was scream with anguish as it burned through their veins. Their flesh began to throb as vivid leafy patterns etched themselves into their skin and their eyes grew wider and brighter. After what felt like hours of agony, they stumbled to the river to look at themselves. 

But everything had changed. They found that suddenly their eyes saw things like never before. They could spot the nasty slick iridescence of the pollution in the water. They lifted their head and saw the thick sickly smog that cloyed the air from the exhaust fumes of passing cars. They wept at the muffled groans of the trees that drew their sustenance from the chemical-soaked ground, sounds which filled their ears like never before. And they knew that their salvation had not been free. They drew themselves up to their full height and strode through the forest, their newfound wisdom and battle-lust haloing their head with a majestic aura. The other animals whispered with awe at their passing, and they soon became renowned for their passionate speeches in moonlit clearings, their exhortations to rise up and take action to save the forest so grievously wronged by uncaring humans.

Now they lead an army of devoted followers as they fight to take back what is theirs. Boars rip and savage the tarmac of the choking road. Squirrels, voles and rats gnaw the tyres of invading diggers until they are unusable. Foxes shriek terrifyingly in the night and smear blood on the work sites where lumberjacks heartlessly fell trees to scare away the workers. Badgers carve trenches in the ground with their great claws to trip up unscrupulous visitors and break their ankles. And leading them all with their victory cry, Viridian inspires their fellows and turns away the scourge of human interference to save the place they and their many fellow creatures call home. 

Incredible writing!!!

Thank you so much! I wish I had the drawing talent you do,  I'm still working on it! 

That's so kind of you, thank you!! It's not talent though, I've simply been practicing for many years now! If you keep practicing, you'll also improve lot! :D

I certainly hope so! Thanks so much 😊

"The forest is my home, and the plants are my people"

Name: Viridian (if you want me to change the name I will)

age: late 20s

Gender: nonbinary (he/they)

Story world: Aracronis

Story: Viridian was born like any other hopeful soul in the magicless city of Melcophis. Little fanfare and a very early start to education were all that heraled them. They often found themselves staring at the plants that sat as simple decorations around the city, watching their veins pulse with life only they seemed to notice. They wished to become a botanist, which seemed the only logical path for them. But their parents seemed to have other plans, enrolling him into courses on architecture that dulled his mind and left him with nothing but daydreams. He often saw A figure beckoning to him through these daydreams, calling out as if he needed saving. In truth, they felt they did. 

One day, while walking home from another slogging day of boring lectures, Viridian saw the figure from their daydreams. He seemed to recognize the young man, practically beckoning him inside a tailor's shop. The Figure, who identified himself as Enigma, told Viridian of the lies of this city. Magic was indeed real in their world, but the leaders of Melcophis feared any being above themself, tramping out the magic of those whom the Gods turned their gaze toward. Enigma handed Viridian something, a map to his true calling it seemed.

Viridian didn't hesitate, leaving that same night while the guards across the Walls of Melcophis were changing shifts. he ran until his home city was a collection of lights blinking in the distance, across moor and plains until he came to the edge of a great forest. The God of Plants at the time greeted him with open arms, hugging them like a father and giving them his power. Sunni was tired, ready to move on to a peaceful, mortal life. And Viridian was his successor. The mustiled's body began to glow with a warm, green light as his core sprung to glorious life, trailing glowing green tattoos across his body. Viridian knew this was their truth, they felt it in their core. The Former god of plants stepped back, smiling softly to the young man and placing a golden laurel around his head before vanishing into a golden sunflower.

Viridian is a kind soul, still struggling with their newfound godhood and even more so with interacting with the other divines. He finds the most comfort in plants, as they don't judge him for saying the wrong thing or acting in a way considered strange. He still looks for traces of Sunni in the world around him, finding them in golden sunflowers and warm sunbeams. He wishes to return to Melcophis one day to properly thank Enigma, who set him on his true path. 

If this character is write to adopt I would love to throw my hat into the ring!

I am currently writing a part of a story where the characters enter a sort of other plan/land of the fae and this guy would fit right in!

They would be a trickster/guide when the right questions are asked. They never tell a lie, but truth is something they like to play around with.

They love pranks and fun above all else and while some of their pranks are things others find funny, sometimes they are also a little chaotic or dangerous for the tastes of others. 

If you can figure out how to word questions so that the truth as you understand it is the only possible response then it can be found this chaotic forest creature is actually very knowledgeable and can give some good advice.

Dialogue example: q: "Why is the forest undergrowth all churned up and disturbed?" A: "Because I didn't want you to know where I put my hidden pit traps!"

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Faved, subbed and made a bulletin here! The design turned out so well :D

Thank you for participating in the design making 🫡 :D

And thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate, it was fun!! :D

OH MY GOSHHHH I'm so happy, I absolutely adore this design!!!! Thank you for hosting such an awesome and fun raffle, I can't believe I won :DDD

Thanks! I’m glad you had fun and I hope the character treats you well XD