Baron SeaShanty



6 months, 15 days ago


Baron SeaShanty

Baron SeaShanty is the owner of a Prestigious bank for the working class down in Lil Nightsovania. While many people would call him a shark, he'd say he's much more like a Viperfish, like his mom.

Baron SeaShanty
Prestigious Worker


A Prestigious Working Class bunbat who once started off as a humble astronaut. Not only had SeaShanty become a rather wealthy man after his time as a captain of his own spaceship, but he then used that wealth to start up his life as a banker in Lil Nights, which not only increased his own wealth and status to where it is today, but he now stands proudly as one of the few banks in Little Nightsovania that is run by a non-noble.

But the truth is that this man is neither humble nor an upstanding citizen. Even his 'humble' roots as a space captain are drenched in the blood of the poor bright eyed astonaut he had plotted against. Having framed the man for a crime he hadn't committed, simply so that the seat of "Captain" would fall into his hands. And indeed, it did.

Now-a-days, Baron doesn't even think of that past time, after all why would it matter? He's far richer than anyone could have ever dreamed and clearly nothing can touch him.


Money, Parties, Jewelery, Beaches.


Small Spaces, Swords, Fools.


  • His hands are "webbed" though technically it could be considered part of his wings which protude from the sides of his hands.
  • Where there should be fins on his tail, instead are puffs of fluff. Somehow this doesn't affect his swimming ability too much.
  • He technically has an underbite, with his fangs for the bottom row of teeth bigger than his top.


Greedy for everything, all of the time, and never quite satisfied with what he's got. Baron is an jealous and ruthless man. From his time as an astronaut to even his time as a banker, now, he's most definitely not a kind man should you get on his bad side. While he is certainly not a fan of the nobilility and how they raise their snoots at him for his class, he's always happy to make a deal with them when he can. After all more money is fine by him, regardless of where or how he gets it.

Baron is relentless in his endless search to expand his wealth, and willing to do whatever is needed to continue, even if his hands get dirty. Hell, this man barely blinks an eye at all he's done at this point. Despite his more egostisical and narsasistic view of himself, though he does know when to keep his mouth shut on important things. Pride and Greed may be his sins but he will not admitt to any wrongdoing even if it kills him. And trust me, he's done plenty wrong throughout his life. Though to be fair, nothing has stood in his way just yet, so perhaps that will change at some point.






  • His mother is a giant kaiju of a woman who lives in the depths of Wahou Island. His father on the otherhand is a worker bunbat who has long since decided to live with his wife down at the bottom of the ocean. Every once in awhile he visits them.
  • To say he hates the nobility is not exactly true. He's certainly envious of the golden spoons many of them have been given since birth, but he has no qualms with working with them, despite his many jabs at them. After all, to him, the nobility and the worker class are all the same: stepping stones he'll use to gain more riches.
  • His first name is actually just Baron. He often jokes about the fact that his mom gave him such a noble name, and even will joke that clearly he's rich enough to be a noble they may as well just give him a title. But even he's kinda annoyed with the mix ups it can cause sometimes.