


5 years, 10 months ago


He grew up in the desert. He was a part of a nomadic tribe. With none of his parents alive his tribe tradition was that he had to become a wandering warrior and serve the desert goddess. This included receiving a magic wyvern tear(the orb) and being left alone in the desert for a month. He was separated from his sister as well. 

Supposedly those who survive are the ones the goddess chose and are then allowed to train as warriors who serve the desert goddess. (This tradition started as a way to get rid of extra mouths to feed in the harsh desert. If they lived, they lived and were ejected from the tribe and joined the traveling warriors. If they died, they died. ) Adisa was fortunate to have survived by meeting the self proclaimed goddess. He was nearly unconscious though.

His orb is the source of his powers and without it he can't do much. His magic has anti gravity properties. He mostly fights by smashing boulders into things. He can also summon lightening but not often. There's an annoying spirit inside the orb too called Bobble which Adisa calls Bob. It scolds Adisa sometimes for doing risky things. 

His half jacket denotes his rank. He is not a full fledged inductee yet. He hopes to earn a full jacket one day.

He was then trained and became a monster hunter. He believes that by killing the giant monsters that rule the desert an cause hardship to the people around them he is serving a higher calling.

Personality: Upbeat, even tempered, collected, childish in some ways, somewhat naive