Rath's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

cad0_dumm1 Global Rules

-You may absolutely resell any of my designs, however do keep it fair and only for what you originally got them for! This also applies for the value of any added art by you yourself, not by a previous owner

-You can totally redesign and change em up to your hearts content! i would appreciate some resemblance to the original but honestly i dont mind too much

-You can change an adopts gender to whatever you’d like! No need to keep it as whatever it leaned towards in the original if you don’t wanna

-Okay so you CAN make NSFW with my designs HOWEVER YOU MUST properly filter it, don’t let the children see it i will hit you ya goof. You also CANNOT draw anything inappropriate with designs that possibly resemble children in anyway. And finally don’t draw anything regarding pro/comship, non-con, beastiality, yknow the drill, with any of my designs

-I would really love it if you did not delete the design off of toyhouse, i like keeping track of my designs

-dont make anything hateful towards anyone thats yucky

-uhhh dont sell to people in my blacklist ofc (i havent made one yet so for now just anyone in my dni)

-the adopt is fully yours once purchased, have fun with it! im not very strict whatsoever on what you can and cant do, just have fun its yours! if you DO have any questions however, then absolutely feel free to let me know in a comment or message, im more than happy to answer! :D