


11 months, 5 days ago


Buck'star is a tall, scrawny yet fluffy tom whose pelt resembles a buck's. His dream has been to conquer the world, and it's been so since he was a young apprentice. He's always been an incredibly ambitious, motivated, hard-working cat who will stop at nothing... He doesn't care for the well-being of others and sees them as pawns in his game of chess, just tools at his command. And if you're a broken tool, an useless one, you must be disposed of. Because if you don't serve him, you're a mere obstacle. Although if you do you will be rewarded with a life worth living.

He's a skilled speaker and can tell a crowd what it wants to hear, he makes promises and actually follows through with them, which is why he's been able to achieve so much. 

When he was a kit, he was the smallest and only surviving kit in his litter. Despite the many queens that occupied the nursery, nobody wanted to take him in so he was mostly just bounced between families until he was an apprentice. That's when he met Hoarfrost'paw, a shy, young and bullied apprentice who was struggling with his apprenticeship duties. Buck'paw however excelled. Hoarfrost'paw and Buck'paw became friends, nobody else wanted to associate with either of them. Hoarfrost'paw took a liking to Buck'paw and they sort of teamed up. They were both bullied and pushed around by other apprentices, Buck'star obtained his scar in a scuffle with one of them.
During their warriorhood, Hoarfrost'tears and Buck'thorn still stuck together, but they had a moment of redemption when they managed to fight off a fox from invading the nursery. From then on things got better, but Buck'thorn was still resentful towards his clan, a resentfulness that Hoarfrost'tears was able to move on from. The two stayed friends and eventually Hoarfrost'tears got a mate and built a family, but Buck'thorn had his eyes set on much more.

Buck'thorn managed to gain the trust of Heather'star, the previous leader. She was a selfish and disliked cat, but when she saw Buck'thorn's potential and popularity she chose him as deputy to hopefully boost her reputation. After moons of essentially brainwashing Shadowclan Buck'thorn managed to get his clanmates to agree on overthrowing Heather'star. The leader was executed in this process and Buck'star was now the leader.
He chose Hoarfrost'tears as his deputy, because in his eyes nobody will ever come close to the loyalty and friendship the tom offered to him in his earlier years. Despite having nearly every warrior waiting for a chance to please him and get on his good side, deep within he still resents them.

Right now the tom is making steps towards slowly pulling the other clans with him.