

.: Overview :.

Tamara is a zephyr who has bad anger issues due to constantly being belittled and babied for looking 'cute' or 'adorable'

.: General Info :.

Name: Tamara Mallow
Pronunciation: Tam-are-ah Ma-low
Nicknames: Tammy, Tams
Age: 29
Birthplace: The Shattered Isles
Species: Sollan (Zephyr)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual (Leaning towards women)
Height: 4'11

.:Distinguishing features:.

Tamara is a small, round figure with light brown fur completely covering her body, as well as a large, brown fluffy ring of fur around her neck. She has yellow markings above her eyes and markings on her cheeks, making it look almost like makeup. She also has small black feet, and black wings and a tail feather. Overall having the looks of a small child.

Current residence: N/A
Current home: N/A
Occupation: Solaris Member (No Syndicate)
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Known for being a member of Solaris, yet not in a syndicate.

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: 
Style of speaking: Very blunt and aggressive

.: Personality :.

Tamara is a very aggressive zephyr who is constantly angry at everyone and everything around her. But when she's somehow not beaming with rage. She's a very straightforward and blunt individual, for the most part focusing on the task at hand. If you manage to anger her enough she will physically lash out at you. She has a deep hatred for constantly being babied for her small and round appearance.

Likes: Being alone.
Dislikes: Loud noises, People, Being called cute / adorable, Being babied, Being touched, Her fur, Being alone
Hobbies/past times: Doing solo missions
Guilty pleasures: Compliments.
Pet peeves: Being called cute / adorable, being babied,
Personal goals: To find out who killed her family and see if any one from it lived.
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Somewhat intelligent
General sociability: Anti social

.: Relationships :.




Tiki - Does not like her for how preppy and happy she is all the time.

Friends (currently)


Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Acrobatics
Peaceful or violent? Violent
Weapon(s) of choice: Her fists

.: Abilities :.

Adaptation: Static Electricity Generation
Category: Generation

Tamara has the ability to generate static from the large amount of fur on her body and manipulate it at will. However this comes with the cost of Tamara having to keep her coat of fur big and fuzzy in order for it to properly work.

.: Fears :.

Tamara has a fear of losing people she loves due to The Red Storm.

.: Health :.

Tamara has PTSD due to The Red Storm. Every part of the situation she was forced to experience was something out of her control and now all she can do is live with this horrible reality of being alone and constantly being mistreated because of how she looks. No matter where she goes she'll still be looked down upon or being mistaken for a child. It's a never ending cycle for her. Never being able to truly connect with her peers.

.: History :.

Tamara grew up in a very large family of zephyrs. Within this family, Tamara was one of the youngest, and with a large family it's impossible to let your voice be heard through all the other voices. Tamara was constantly talked over when shes with family, so she constantly yells in order for her to actually be heard for once.

Unfortunately, at the age of 19, The Red Storm occurred. Because of this, Tamara was forced into a refugee situation far away from her family so she wouldn't be able to get hurt, however this sent Tamara into a blind panic, being stressed out of her mind about if her family is even alive. Yet, during all of this, she was constantly being babied by those around her for how adorable and child-like she looks. But, she wasn't being taken seriously because of this thus frustrated her beyond belief. She was demanding and yelling to be let out so she can see and help her family. But, even when she raised her voice the highest they wouldn't even let her try to find them because "she's too young."  It was already too late for her.

Eventually after years of grief, yet still never being able to get over her family's death. She joins Solaris at the first initiation, in hopes of being able to find the one who did this and avenge them all. And deep down, praying and clinging onto that small hope that she can find at least one of her siblings if they're still alive. As well as being a member to at least be taken seriously and have at least a bit of control in her life, but even on day 1 of being an official solaris member, she's already being mistaken for a child.


As of now, Tamara is a solaris member who works alone on missions.

.: Other Details :.

- She is solely based on shima enaga
- The reason why she cannot simply cut her fur to avoid being called 'cute', is because of her ability.