Midnight Prism



7 months, 20 days ago


🥹🫶🏼💜 so pretty

Midnight Prism

Prism was born when the fading rays of the sunset mixed with last raindrops as they fell through a rainbow. It’s kind of a mystery how they transformed into the beautiful creature they are- and they travel the lands looking for the origin of their birth. They secretly hope to find another like them on their journey, as they’re a tad lonely. Despite this, Prism likes to bring joy to those they meet, and the ones they left a mark on are gifted with some form of a rainbow droplet- sometimes as an amulet, a tattoo, a broach… depending on creature. 

Once they thought they found a canine like them- striped with rainbows that stuck out in all directions. The dog guiltily explained his owner just took him to the salon, he wasn’t born like that. Prism was crushed- realizing their goals might be harder than expected. The loneliness inside of them pushed them forward- never allowing themselves to give up… 

One dark night, a dapper orange fox carefully approached Prism. Rumors have been spread through the lands of their endless search, and of another like them. Repeating that they were rumors, the fox gestured towards the Crystal Mines. “She was last rumored to be seen in there.” Without hesitation, Midnight Prism recklessly entered the dark, damp cave. 

Will they ever discover the mystery of their creation? Will they ever find a friend like them?