
7 months, 30 days ago

Basic Info




Jokester, kind, loyal.




Bisexual with a preference for men. Transgender




Spouse: Dyevel. Siblings: unknown. Parents: Unknown. Enemies: Pixiestick, Sunray, Jasper, and Fi. Allies: Mint, Caution, Olive, Archer, Snickers, Sourpatch.


Red was born a member of the Highests, and his parents were a little strict, but not that bad. Until Red told them he was trans, they constantly misgendered Red and insulted him. They spread false rumors about Red, getting him demoted.


Red was nervous, but another Demoted named Cyrene became his friend. As time passed by, Red developed a crush on Cyrene. When Cyrene became a member of the miracles, she dated a member of the highest named Blueberry, but Red took it well and moved on. Later he got a Gene replacement. (Kinda like top surgery but it changes your born sex, the scars of your past sex is still there. They are basically like top surgery scars. the Lowests are supportive like that 💀)

Current: Red became friends with the new ruler  of the Lowest, Caution.  Red and a member of the lowest named Dyevel are now in a relationship , as they were friends since childhood. Later, They met Mint on patrol and became great friends. A couple years later, Pixiestick brings his members of the Highest and attacks members of the Lowest. Caution, mad at this, declared war on the Highests, so the Lowests started to attack. Later in the war, Red found out Mint had died from Pixiestick. He was very sad by this news, as Mint was one of his best friends. He helped comfort Caution as the war progressed.


The war went on for 5 years, maybe even more if no one stopped them. The Demoted lands have had enough though, and attacked all of them. Their magic trapped the Lowest and Highests away from the others territory, so they couldn't get through. The war was finally over.