
7 months, 30 days ago

Basic Info




Loyal, kind, selfless, helpful, caring








Spouse: Caution. Sibling: Parents: Fi and Olive. Enemies: Pixiestick, Sunray, Jasper, and Fi. Allies: Dyevel, Red, Arrow.



Mint was born as a member of the Highest in Cumulus. He looked nothing like his mother, Fi. Fi went to the god of the Highest, Sunray, to figure out why. It turned out Mint had energy glitch, which happens when the parents do soul link. When the parents link souls, their magic develops for a few months which then transforms into a new soul. The new soul develops features from their parents. When an energy glitch happens, a strange soul energy interrupts the link, making deformities. Mint had a brother named Jasper, and a sister named Cyrene. One day, Fi kicked Cyrene out for being gay. Jasper was sad, as he had a great connection to his sister. Mint was scared, as he was just a pup. Fi, in a moment of outrage, slashed one of Mints eyes, making him go blind in that eye. She yelled at him saying that Mint having energy glitch put a curse on the family. Sadly, Jasper sided with his mom, Fi and Jasper were mean towards Mint, even going as far as to physically harm him. When Mint was still a pup, he found one of the gods' kids, his name was Caution. Caution looked unhappy, but Mint being the extrovert he was, he was friendly towards caution. They became great friends as they grew older. As they grew up, Mint couldn’t see Caution because he had to attend to being ruler of the Lowests .One day Mint was  getting yelled at by his brother, as usual, when his brother scratched him on the cheek. This was normal for Mint, but it was a pretty deep scar. Caution happened to see this, to protect mint, he summoned a Lowest Energy to control him. Mint attacked his brother, killing him. When he gained control back, he was terrified and sad, he hated seeing the blood on his paws. He never wanted to kill his brother, and one knew who killed him. A couple years later, Fi sent the new leader of the gods, Pixiestick, to demote him. Telling him that Mint killed Jasper, even though she didn’t know that. So, Pixiestick turned Mint into the member of the Demoted.


When Mint arrived, he was scared, but Dyevel and Red guided him around the lowest land. He became friends with them instantly, and they guided him to the ruler of the lowest, which was Caution. They were very happy to see eachother again, and became the friends they were back then. He also met his father, which his mother said that she protected Jasper, Cyrene, and Mint from him, and then left to raise them on her own. It turns out, he was the one to bring Jasper and Cyrene to her, and she yelled at him and took all of them. He also has energy glitch like Mint, and raised Mint as he got older in the Lowest lands. Later, Caution and Mint started to be in a relationship, then they had a kid named Archer later in their relationship. Mint also found a member of the Highest named Snickers when he was told to spy on the Highest Lands, Snickers found Mint and pestered him to bring him to the Lowest Lands. Mint was hesitant on this decision, but brings Snickers to the Lowest Lands anyway and adopts him.

Current: A couple years later, Pixiestick brings the Highests and attacks the Lowests. Caution, mad at this, declared war on the Highest members, so the Lowests started to attack. Mint decided to attack Pixiestick first, as hopes to keep him from attacking the other Lowest members. He gave Pixiestick a scar on his left shoulder. They circle around eachother, and Pixiestick scratched Mint on the neck, killing him. When Mint awoke, he was in the Demoted Lands, the ruler of the Demoteds noticed him, and since he was desperate to not be ruler, he transferred rulership to Mint. In the afterlife, he guided Mint on what to do. Since Demoteds in the demoted lands can’t control their emotions, as they are lowest energy and half highest energy, Mint had a hard time getting used to Being in Demoted lands. 1-2 years later, a kit got transported to the demoted lands. Not knowing what to do, Mint adopted the kit and raised him. 


3 years later, one of his childhood friends, Arrow, came to help end the war between the highest and the lowest. Since Arrow is a high rank, he is able to give a non highest member a god like power temporarily. So he wanted to give it to Mint and the Demoteds so they can get out and trap them in their territories so they won’t attack eachother. He trusted them because Mint was his best friend when he was younger, and the Demoteds desperately wanted the war to stop, as they never liked the rivalry between the two lands. Mint was hesitant on this, but his adopted kit, now known as Sourpatch, convinced him to do it. Arrow gave Mint a necklace shaped like a crown to hold the magic in as to keep it from being temporary. The Demoteds then attacked the Lowests and the Highests, not hurting them though, the attack transports them back to their territory, as it is not the Demoteds intent to hurt them. The stop of the war was successful, and now the Demoted ruler always have the necklace around their neck.