
7 months, 27 days ago

Basic Info




Thoughtless, Manipulative, Dishonest








Spouse: None Siblings: None. Parents: None. Enemies: Basically everyone who is a Lowest or Demoted. Allies: Fi, Pixiestick, Jasper.


Childhood: (none, she was born a adult) 

Sunray, Stargaze and (REDACTED) were the first rulers ever to be made. They were created by the great ancestors to keep everything in order. Sunray, the ruler of the Highests,  Stargaze, the ruler of the Lowests, and (REDACTED), the ruler of the Demoteds. Sunray and Stargaze got together, Sadly, (REDACTED) wasn’t able to have any kids, so they were forced to stay ruler forever. 

Past: 100 years later, Sunray and Stargaze thought it was time for new rulers, so they had a kid named Pixiestick, he was the future ruler of the Highests. Later they had a kid named Caution, the future ruler of the Lowests. (It takes longer for soul link to happen for rulers of the lowests, as they have to have a all positive soul, but  negative magic.) The first couple years was alright, with them being a happy family. But Sunray had a resentment towards the Lowests, thinking they were evil, so she told Pixiestick that the Lowests were evil and he should never trust them. Pixiestick, trusting his mom, started to ignore Caution and Stargaze, unaware that Sunray was yelling at Caution for being a Lowest. (REDACTED) warned her that she was making a big mistake, and they are beings too. But Sunray ignored their warnings. The only one who didn’t ignore Caution was Stargaze, who was the only one who  raised him when this was happening, so they had a really good bond. This went on for quite a bit, until Pixiestick was told to kill Caution and Stargaze, as “to rid the evil from the good lands.” Pixiestick was hesitant about this, as Caution is his brother, and Stargaze was his father. But Sunray convinced him to. At first, it went all according to plan, with Pixiestick killing Caution and Stargaze. But Stargaze actually died for the last time, so it transferred rulership to Caution, which was not supposed to happen. Even to the current day, no one knows how Stargaze died and tranferred rulership. As this happened, (REDACTED) and some other Demoteds were scolding her actions, saying “You just made enemies with the lowests, you shouldn’t of done this.” Sunray, being blind to her actions, sent (REDACTED) and the Demoteds who agreed with them to the Demoted Lands. Where they are trapped and can’t get out. Pixiestick later was transferred rulership, becoming the ruler of the Highests.

Current: she is watching all the stuff happening from the afterlife, as when a ruler transfers rulership, they die.