Hope Udai



7 months, 6 days ago


Basic info:

Full Name: Hope Udai

Birthday: May 10

Age: 18

Race: Inkling (neon flying squid)

Mains: Areospray MG/AG

Personality: chill, caring, laid-back, self-doubtful

Voice Claim:

Lou Jean

Theme music:

Plume - Legrove (normal theme)

ASGORE (Cover) - jacksqrd (normal theme) (post Side Order)

TACTIX - EPTIC ft. Joey Valence & Brae (battle theme 1)

Mr. Brightside - The Killers (battle theme 2)


Background info

Hope was born in Calamari County, however her mother moved the family to a small town in Inkadia called Squid Valley Falls after Hope's father, Astor Udai, was killed by Octarian soldiers while doing some work for the government (i.e. spying on the Octarians to make sure they weren't up to anything sketchy). As a child, Hope had a problem where one of her tentacles wouldn't fill up with ink, which caused her to have some problems moving, but after being given various treatments, Hope was eventually able to move more freely than she did before. Since Hope spent most of her time with her mother after her older sister, Ashley, left for Inkopolis to participate in ink battles, Hope developed a passion for music because she would play old CDs of her mother's music (Hope's mother was in an idol duo with her sister before she married Astor). Growing up, Hope looked up to both her mother and older sister, hoping to one day be able to do the same things they did: making music & participating in ink battles. Once Hope became 14 years old, Hope moved out of her small town home and into her sister's apartment in Inkopolis Square.

Splatoon 2 (Bandana Genesis, AKA Hope's Story Mode Part 1)

A month after Hope moved to Inkopolis, the Inkopolis News brodcast system was hijacked by Nori Takowasa, the leader of the Octarians Against the Inkling Menace group, announcing that they kidnapped the Great Zapfish and were currently repairing & upgrading the Octobot King in order to go to the surface & wreck havoc across Inkopolis. Hoping that her fighting skills would improve, Hope flocks off to Octo Canyon. After finding out where her sister was going, Ashley followed Hope to Octo Canyon to watch over her and give her advice since Ashley did the same thing when she was first starting off in ink battles. Hope, as Agent Bandana, goes through each of the repurposed camps in Octopia & eventually ends up face to face with Nori, who had just finished repairing the Octobot King. After a long battle, Hope manages to defeat Nori (at least for now) & returns the Great Zapfish to Inkopolis.

Splatoon 2 (Bandana Reprise, AKA Hope's Story Mode Part 2)

Several months after the events of Bandana Genesis, Hope and Ashley recieve a mysterious letter saying that the Octarians Against the Inkling Menace group were currently trying to hunt down Hope & Ashley after ruining their plans. After reading the letter, Hope and Ashley agree to return to Octopia to take down O.A.I.M. once and for all. During Hope's journey, she meets Anyo, an octoling under the control of Nori via a brainwashing chip attatched to her glasses. After nearly dying in the battle, Hope breaks the brainwashing chip and frees Anyo from Nori's control. After realising that some of the octolings in O.A.I.M. most likely didn't want to even work for Nori, Hope became determined to free all of the octolings in Nori's control by killing Nori. Soon enough, Hope ends up fighting Nori again, however right before Hope can deal the final blow to Nori, Nori super jumps away to a different part of Octopia. However, after the battle, all the octolings under Nori's control (via brainwashing chip, anyways) were freed. Knowing that Nori was most likely not finished with Hope and Ashley, the sisters follow Nori to the Deepsea Metro, where Nori would oversanitize herself & have the sanitized Octarians of the metro try to hunt down Anyo.

Splatoon 2 (Anyo Expansion, AKA Anyo's Octo Expansion)

For most of Anyo Expansion, Hope and Ashley are just searching the entire Kamabo Co. facility for Nori. However, the two would only find Nori right before she would try to kill Anyo herself using the repurposed remains of the four thangs. After stepping in to defend Anyo, Hope and Ashley battle Nori to finish what they started, only for Ashley to get partially sanitized and for Hope to get tied up in ropes and kidnapped by Ashley. After Anyo goes through the escape phases & saves Ashley, Hope is freed from the ropes. After hopping onto a ferry with tourists visiting the ruins of NILS Statue, Hope, Ashley, and Anyo witness Nori unveil a shoddily made replica of NILS Statue made to destroy Inkopolis. Hope and Ashley then proceed to help Anyo destroy the replica of NILS Statue & defeat Nori once and for all. After the events of Anyo Expansion, Hope and Anyo became good friends.

Splatoon 3 Testfire

A few months before the Splatoon 3 Testfire came out Hope started dating Anyo officially and soon enough started a band with her named "The Sirens" (Anyo was the lead vocalist, guitarist, and piano player of the group while Hope did backup vocals, drums, and anything elctronic music related). During the splatfest, Hope attempted to adjust to the Areospray MG's new kit and was on Team Rock.

Splatoon 3 (RotM)

Hope doesn't do much in RotM besides helping April out in missions via walkie talkie.

Splatoon 3 (Post RotM) (Around the time the Expansion Pass was first revealed)

Hope and her friends move to an apartment complex somewhere close to Inkopolis Plaza.

Splatoon 3 (Side Order)

Coming soon!


As a neon flying squid-type inkling, Hope's hair and irises maintain a neon color (except for when Hope uses a neutral, metallic, or pastel ink color; then Hope's hair takes on the exact color of that ink color) & Hope has a higher jump than non-flying squid inklings.

Other info:

  • Hope is pansexual
  • Hope is a huge Legend of Zelda fan
  • April helped Hope do a custom paint job on her reefslider to make it look like Prince Sidon from BotW
  • Hope's favorite bands/artists are dedf1sh, the Squid Sisters, Off the Hook, Sashimori, Front Roe, and C-Side.