Chase Jewel (Synthos)



7 months, 29 days ago


"All I can do now is make the best of the situation. Though, admittedly, it seems easier said than done."

Chase Jewel

NAME Chase Jewel

Age 22

Gender Male

Species Human Trainer

Height 5'6"

Weight 132lbs

Division Nero - Safety

Job Nurse

Code Credit SparklyCodes

Header Credit Itzah

Nursing Skills

-Teamwork is one of Chase's biggest strengths! He's naturally very adaptable and this lets him work well with almost anyone once he gets to know a bit about them. Even if he doesn't really like a person he's willing to work with them for the greater good... so long as they aren't a horrible person.

-Naturally Chase knows how to administer care to people who need it. Not only can he provide first aid and even more complex treatments, but he knows how to comfort and put people at ease too so the experience is as painless and free of worry as possible.

-Chase is very resourceful and able to work with things that are "close enough" to other things he might need. On an island it's unlikely one will be able to find one-to-one tools or materials for important procedures or tasks, in which case he'll just have to find the next best thing.


+Gentle: Chase is a very naturally kind person. He's the type to apologize a thousand times for mildly upsetting someone, and he's overall very calm and mellow. This is probably why he was so drawn towards a job that helps others. This kindness should not be mistaken for him being a pushover, though.

+Courageous: While he can be very timid around strangers at his heart Chase is incredibly courageous. He might hesitate, but if someone is in trouble and in the midst of danger you can trust him to be someone to jump in and help. He knows how to put on a brave face even if he heavily doubts himself and his abilities.

+Loyal: Chase will do anything for those he cares about. If one has him as a friend, they can trust that he won't ever betray them and will likely stick beside them even when they make big mistakes. Interpersonal conflicts become difficult though... He would prefer if everyone just got along, as he struggles to choose sides.

-Workaholic: Chase struggles with feeling like he's not useful or contributing enough often. This leads him to overwork himself and it can be difficult to tear him away for a much needed rest, especially if what he's doing is vital for someone elses wellbeing. Reminders to sleep, eat, and take time to relax are often needed, but sometimes he'll even outright refuse depending on the situation...

-Anxious: Chase is almost always anxious about something or other in the back of his mind. Most times he can ignore or bury it, but sometimes it just gets too much and it shows clear as day in his actions and on his face. It makes him uncertain and deters him from trying or doing new things... even when he really wants to. Surprisingly he seems the calmest in high-stress situations, but the truth is he's just distracting himself with what needs to be done and he'll probably break down the moment he has time to himself.

-Hasty: While Chase is careful and considerate when it comes to taking care of others, he can be surprisingly hasty in other regards. Sometimes decisions need to be made quickly and he knows he has a tendency to overthink, so he'll over correct and make decisions too quickly instead. Of course he ends up dealing with the aftermath of those decisions later, be they good or bad.



  • Music and Art
  • Traveling/Exploring
  • Unique Gem Stones
  • Autumn
  • Helping Others


  • The Ocean
  • Large Crowds
  • Coffee
  • Being Pushed Around
  • Suffering


For part of his childhood Chase lived in Castelia City in Unova. With his mother not in the picture he only ever knew his father and older sister Lanette and was always quite close to both of them. So, when an accident on the Ocean took his father from him at the age of 8, it left him scarred in more ways than one. Though his sister was only 18 she opted to raise him herself instead of allowing him to live with their mother, though Lanette would never say why. Unfortunately her age and inexperience would show clearly when mistakes from both her and Chase would strain their relationship for the years preceeding the incident. At this time Chase's mental health was not well, and Lanette knew she had to do something. So she decided that drastic change would be necessary.

They would eventually move to LaRousse City in Hoenn hoping that getting a new start would help Chase, even a little. On top of this Chase was also gifted a Pokemon, an Eevee, in the hopes a companion would curb his feelings of isolation and lonliness. It worked better than Lanette expected and during this time Chase began to cheer up significantly. He developed hobbies and interests he hadn't had before, and even began to make friends slowly but surely. Their sibling relationship also improved with Chase's personality taking a significant shift in the opposite direction. Feeling guilty for how he acted previously he promised himself he'd take on a more positive and friendly personality, even if it meant becoming a little over polite and timid. Most of all though, he gained desire to help others like Lanette and his Eevee had helped him. Though he was never good at school and tests he still strived to learn all he could about nursing as, to him, it felt the best way for him to do what he wanted to.

With his past having instilled a fear of the Ocean (and only the ocean) into him, Chase often avoided boats especially when it came to travel. If he needed to cross the Ocean for some reason or another plane was the only option he would take. So, when an opportunity came up for him to study nursing in another region, Chase decided to take the offer and travel by plane. Only this plane would have the unfortunate fate of getting caught in a violent storm and crash landing on the shores of Nozama. Needless to say, for one such as him, landing on an island of all places is less than ideal.


  • Chase knows sign language! He has a friend who's mute and dislikes communicating through written word, so he and another friend took the time to learn sign language to communicate with her.
  • He has some talent in music; particularly when it comes to playing guitar and singing. It was one of the ways he'd often cheer himself up when feeling down.
  • Chase suffers from insomnia, but is also a bit of an early bird. As you can imagine this can make him exhausted most days, but he's trying to work on it. Getting up early is important though as he likes to go running then.
  • He has a strong fear and aversion towards the ocean because of some trauma in his past. Living on the island of Nozama won't be easy for him, but eventually the horrible sound of waves will fade into the background...