Zephyr Castell (Synthos)



7 months, 29 days ago


"Destiny is just my game, but it's all you're counting on right now."

Zephyr Castell

NAME Zephyr Castell

Age 23

Gender Male

Species Human Trainer

Height 5'9"

Weight 155lbs

Division Gi - Belonging

Job Mythologist

Code Credit SparklyCodes

Mythologist Skills

-Zephyr has a wide knowledge of different Pokemon and their relationships to mythology and folklore of the past. While he's most knowledgeable (and interested) in rarer and even legendary or mythical pokemon, he knows quite a bit about common pokemon too especially if they've had interesting stories passed down through generations. Should someone need more information on a species of pokemon for some reason, or simply wishes to learn about the past, he's not a bad person to go to.

-One of the skills he's picked up is a skill in storytelling. Lectures are boring and dry and Zephyr dislikes them as much as the next person. Instead, if someone wishes to learn mythological stories, he tries to make them as entertaining (while still somewhat educational) as possible. He's even taken the time to learn different storytelling methods from different regions, so he can appeal to individual tastes. Storybook style? Performance style? Activities or wanting to walk and talk? Even if you're the type who really does enjoy boring lectures... he can appeal to that interest.

-Zephyr has also picked up on a variety of ancient and lost languages. He was surprised by how fun he thought it was to learn them and finally be able to read ancient and lost texts, so he took the time and effort to learn as many as possible. He even has the skill to decipher or crack languages that have yet to be understood, but you will have to give him a lot of time to figure it out... it's certainly not an easy thing to do, even for him.


+Charismatic: With his boundless confidence (that he's careful doesn't turn into arrogance) Zephyr comes off as very charismatic and likable. He doesn't always get along with everyone, as his personality can come off grating to some people, but he's a difficult person to just straight up hate. If anything he's more likely to take issue with someone else first.

+Reliable: Whether he likes someone on a personal level or not Zephyr is always a reliable person to go to. Even if something isn't his area of expertise he'll still try to help and "figure something out" anyways. If he says he'll do something, he'll do it. He never flakes on or abandons previously set up engagements unless he really, really has to.

+Clever: He doesn't always seem like it but Zephyr is, in fact, very clever. He picks up on situations and intentions quickly and will use everything he possibly can to solve problems... the problem, though, is that his plans can be pretty risky at times. His confidence makes him a lot more likely to take risks so long as he thinks the potential reward is worth it.

-Fiery: When Zephyr gets emotional for one reason or another he's not shy at expressing it. He tries to keep anger in particular subdued, but he still gets very animated and expressive when upset or unhappy. It can be frightening to see and he has a reputation for being someone you don't want to piss off, because he certainly won't lie down and take it.

-Impulsive: Zephyr holds a belief that "things will work out in the end" and thus has little concern about his admittedly impulsive actions. He has the confidence to believe he can fix anything if something goes wrong, but this has led to him getting injured or in trouble unecessarily at times.

-Assertive: Zephyr's personality is a strong and assertive one. It has its merits, but he takes it to a point where he can come off as pushy. While he's very well meaning he sometimes pushes or puts pressure on people too much and too quickly making them easily frustrated with him, and unless he's told plainly why they're frustrated and struggling he, too, gets frustrated right back.



  • Dancing
  • New Places and Cultures
  • Photography
  • Stormy Weather
  • Myths/Folklore/Stories
  • Wind Chimes


  • Formal Events
  • Soft Drinks
  • Caves/Being Underground
  • Powerful Perfumes
  • Aggressive Ignorance


Zephyr grew up in LaRousse City located in the Hoenn region. With his father holding a high position in the primary energy company for the highly advanced city, he came from a wealthy family, though never had a close relationship with either of his parents. His father was always absent and his mother only seemed to care when it benefited her, so he ended up being closer to his older half brother Rowan and younger sister Sabrina. From a young age Zephyr always sought out independence so, as soon as he received his very first Pokemon in the form of a little Rufflet, he used it as an excuse to break away and explore both the city and outer edges of the city whenever he could. The Battle Tower, one of the things the city became known for, became a favorite place of his.

Zephyr was present when the city came under attack by both Deoxys and Rayquaza at some point. Where most would likely start to become wary of powerful pokemon, Zephyr developed a fascination with them. He'd already had a passing interest in Pokemon legends, but seeing them in action only fueled that interest. He began to study stories and legends about them (much to the vexation of Rowan, as Zephyr seemed adverse to studying before this) and even began getting more daring and adventureous as time went on. The only thing that kept him at home was a feeling of guilt. He knew that Rowan had always wanted to go on an adventure himself, but due to the circumstances with their family never got the chance to. Rowan had sacrificed a lot for both him and Sabrina, and though it may not have made total logical sense, Zephyr felt as though he was taking advantage of it. Only from encouragement from both Rowan and Sabrina (the latter being rather harsh as usual) that he finally began to venture out to far flung regions for both adventure, and a desire to find these rarely encountered Pokemon.

With his Rufflet by his side Zephyr visited a myriad of places. Some adventures were more successful than others, but he always made a point to return home when possible. On his journeys he would sometimes hear not just of rare pokemon, but rumoured places as well. Places like Mirage Island said to sometimes appear near Pacifidlog, or a strange island dubbed Nozama where odd fusions of Pokemon resided. He chalked most of this up to hersay, but couldn't deny he'd take the opportunity to visit such places if he could. While traveling lat ate night from LaRousse city to another region Zephyr would get his wish in a "be careful what you wish for" scenario when the Plane, flying a little too close to the island's rumored location, would be caught in a violent storm forcing it to make an emergency crash landing on the shores of Nozama.


  • Zephyr has a phobia of being buried alive and thus dislikes caves and being underground. He's pretty good at staying calm for awhile, but the longer he's underground the more anxious he'll be.
  • Zephyr loves experimenting with food and learning how to cook things from other cultures. He also enjoys trying to make his own stuff, but it doesn't always turn out great.
  • Mythological stories are sometimes told through riddles and poems, so Zephyr has taken an interest in them. He even does a bit of poetry writing himself but he's unlikely to ever share them unless he's particularly close with someone.
  • Zephyr's interest in photography started from his interest in legendary pokemon. Other than learning about their legends and stories he had a desire to "capture" them in some form. He held no illusions about actually being able to catch them in pokeballs, and instead thought photos would be a better idea. Eventually it turned into an actual enjoyment of photography has a whole and it's a loved hobby of his.
