


5 years, 11 months ago



He can be drawn like any of these pics, his colour scheme is very flexible but must stay in the pink/purple area, and he can have the short or long hair style because he chops it later on in his life and wears more masculine type clothing!Β 

Age: 20

Gender: male (ftm)Β 

Date of birth: ??

Nationality: Space alien thing (might think of a name for them one day)

Sexuality: unsure

Likes: visiting earth, seeing friends, ballet, wearing human clothes

Dislikes: giving orders, being alone, the meaning of his name (bc ppl expect a royal family from him), having to do work

Info/background: 'princess' of their home planet. Parents have recently been killed (by ppl who were against them) and he now has to rule over the ppl (thats how he got the scar) Doesnt want to rule.

Most of his people are against him and dislike the changes he makes, even though he only makes these changes because the second ppl in command want to? Doesnt really get a say in what happens

Leaves to go to earth often and meets humans, which he decides he likes and attempts to make his homeworld more like.

Friends with Pyxis (from a nearby planet) and Orion (goes to her for help and a mother figure often)

Used to love ballet when he was younger bc it was how he bonded with his mum, now it makes him sad af but he still loves it

About his people:

Can tell that he's royalty by his golden sparkle/freckles on his skin, other aliens have less bright ones or none at all.

Quite a peaceful planet when his parents ruled, but now its slowly getting worse and more aggressive

Skin changes shades depending on mood, can go between pink, purple and blueΒ