
She is $15 for now, price may increase if I draw more art

Her name is Lym and she is an underworld noble, she isnt really evil  but as the demon she is she enjoys pranking humans, she can appear and  disappear whenever she wants and do whatever she wants and this isnt  just because she can teleport its because of her mantle, this mantle as  an enchantment that totally hides her pressence, is not like she becomes  invisible, what happens is that all who see her with It inmediatly  identify her as just a passerby or bystander, somebody not dangerous or  suspicious at all, even if her skin is purple and has horns.

She has the habit of droping a doll when she does a  big prank like stealing something quite valuable, maybe with this she is  saying "Hey Im trading you this junk for this awesome piece of  craftmanship"