Grey ' Paw



7 months, 28 days ago


He/It/They > Ve/Vem
GENDER | Transmale, Libramasculine
SPECIES | Feline, pixiebob
AGE | 8-10 moons
JOB | Apprentice
BUILD | Stocky, well-built
HEIGHT | 10 inches
SCENT | Petrichor
DEMEANOR | Death glares
AESTHETIC | Thunderstorms, night
DESIGN NOTES | Please give careful attention
  • Scars. The most prominent are the cheek scar and shoulder scar
  • Heterochromia. Sectoral heterochromia in his left eye
  • Speckles. Silvery white speckles are scattered like snow!!
  • Fur. Make sure to make the mane and head fur a little more fluffy, with a slight curl!
ACCESSORIES | These are all opt!
  • Steller's Jay feathers. Steller's jay feathers are put in his mane and tail fur
  • Juniper branch. Behind his ear, or anywhere really
  • Pine needles/Oak leaves. Explores his surroundings a lot, needles and leaves will get stuck in his fur.

Mystery and suspicion plague this cat wherever they go. Grey ' Paw's origin and fur like that of snowstorms and thunder make him one of the more peculiar cats of the clan. Ve doesn't talk much, and may only talk to those ve knows, but even then, ve's very calculated with what he wants to say. sometimes.

Grey ' Paw's origins are nothing to be talked about, and he never will talk about them. Before he came to the clan, Grey was in a family who genuinely loved and cared for him. It was named after it's seemingly grey fur, while it's parents were under shade when it was named. Despite their protests, Grey would only respond to the name 'Grey'. Only 4 moons after, Grey's family except for him were killed due to what he would think presently was a border scuffle and avid suspicion of brutal rogues injuring clan cats. Even his siblings were lost.

After he was... surprisingly spared, Grey brought himself exhaustedly to the nearest clan, hoping for at least a temporary place to stay. Another bout of surprise came when it was accepted, reluctantly. Put under the mentorship of another former rogue who had refused a suffix, Buzzard, Grey ' Paw was immediately set to work, especially battle training. Scars, though temporary, littered their fur nearly every session. Grey ' Paw adamantly refused to go to the medicine den, for the medicine cat did not care for him, either, so he let the wounds scar and then heal. He likes the dull pain, oddly enough.

For some odd reason, Grey ' Paw became acquainted with the clan's 'tryhard', as it would like to call him, Mantis ' Paw. Mantis wouldn't leave him alone, much to his protest, but sometimes he tolerates the fellow's company. Grey ' Paw hated Mantis ' Paw's father, the deputy, Smoke ' Feather. He was just as bad as Buzzard, in his eyes. Ve hated his horrible glares of contempt or loathing. For those, he was scared that Mantis ' Paw would end up the same about him. Then, he'd distance himself from Mantis whenever he found he grew too close. He'll never admit his fear to Mantis, that even he would see grey as some mangy rogue some day, and not a clan-cat.

POSITIVE | Protective, Brave, Empathetic
NEUTRAL | Headstrong, Reserved, Independent
NEGATIVE | Distant, Ignorant, Hesitant

"I don’t know how to help you. I know how hard it is for you. But you don’t know me. Why won’t I let you know who I am?" While Grey ' Paw is a fiercely protective friend, he doesn't have many, if at all. This is due to his highly independent figure. It causes him to prioritize his safety and concerns for his own well-being than others. Ve wishes ve didn't feel this way, but ve can't control it as well as others think. When another offers to be his friend, Grey ' Paw is extremely hesitant, and would take even days to accept or decline. They may never want to look out for another, their fear of losing them is too great. Despite his cold demeanor, Grey ' Paw possesses an uncanny amount of empathy, so much so that even phantom pains may rack his body if someone close to him gets hurt in any way.

  • Rainy nights
  • Exploring his surroundings
  • The memorials of his family
  • Chaotic crowds
  • The clan
  • Suspicious glances

It loves solitude, being on it's own to do things itself. Cooperation is not one of his strong suits. Ve'd much rather be in his own place, doing something that he'd like, instead of being around those stupid clan cats who have nothing else but gossip to do.

The sound of rain.

Grey ' Paw loves rain, and tries to get cats whom he's somewhat close to to enjoy it with him. But the enjoyment of rain is yet another thing that makes him an outlier in the rest of the clan. He doesn't care much about it though, if they hate rain it's their loss. Grey ' Paw will take all the rain for himself and watch them cower in fear just because a single droplet hit their nose. Cowards.

  • Grey ' Paw loves birds
  • Climbing onto trees and watching the clan gives him a sense of triumph and relief
  • He secretly kinda likes the gossip

As much as he says he hates Mantis ' Paw, Grey ' Paw has to admit he's grown on him. That ANNOYING little BUG has gotten under his fur and he hates it. They'd much rather do anything else than have the clan tryhard and popular one be their friend, because then they'd be friends with those fakers, too. But maybe... maybe it can be a... secret.. friend??? Do those exist? Grey doesn't know, but he hates to admit it but it sounds nice.

He loves listening to Mantis ' Paw's talking about whatever. He even likes it when Mantis ' Paw's angry, it shows Grey ' Paw that he's not just some heartless son of the deputy who just wants nothing but to be deputy, and leader. It shows Grey ' Paw that Mantis has feelings. But he hates being the one the anger's directed at.

He loves getting battle wounds. The dull, throbbing ache is undoubtedly something he's grown addicted to, unfortunately. It gives them a sense of authority, the amount of battle scars, for just an apprentice at that, too! But sometimes he wonders if things were different, if he was just someone with who could battle and fight and get no scars whatsoever, what wonder that'd be.

Nonetheless, Grey ' Paw hates the medicine den exactly for that reason. If it were to get healed with some suspicious sorts of herbs, it won't get scars, would it?? Then that'd take all the fun away. No scars would be so, so boring.

WORTH | $150