Free Art Raffle's Comments

Entering! Tysm for the opportunity


I'm gonna fav a bunch and enter!!! I love your art!!!

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entering! your art is seriously awesome

Your art is stunning! ^^

You really have so many awesome ocs!

Kon’nichiwa! I think I did it correctly, I favorited one of your OCs. (Please let me know if I missed something.)

Some people aren't reading it but expecting to be entered into the raffle- so I'm making a comment here-

To enter the raffle, you have to like random / characters you like that isn't THIS post. Any favorites on THIS post doesn't enter you into a raffle, it only counts towards characters on my profile. Every 15 likes on a character will be a sketch headshot. 

So please- don't expect to be entered into any raffle if you're only liking THIS post. Characters on my profile are all "separate raffles" in a sense, meaning if you like 3 characters, you're entered into 3 raffles.



Entering! :D

Entering :>

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entering !

Entering!! I think I faved like 62 characters LMAO sorry for the spam!! All your characters are really cool :0


Entering! Ty for the chance! ^^

ATTENTION art this scrumptious is ILLEGAL


i think i faved like 10+, stopped counting after 10 lol! tysm for the chance!

 I would like to participate ♥️

Awesome! Any character favorited let's you enter for a raffle! 

Blinks (plotting)


WAIT are you alright with fav spam? 👀 I totally wanna go through and fav all your ocs but I wanna make sure HAHAH

LoL I am dw!  

Alright awesome