DMN-004 : SketchWoman



7 months, 29 days ago


"People are like colors. Some are bright and cheery while others are muted and reserved."

Title: Robot Master of Visual Arts
Gender and Pronouns: Female she/her
AI Age: 21
Creation day: ???
Awakening day: March 29th, 200X
Affiliation: Who do they affiliate with? Feel free to include former affiliations.
MBTI/Enneagram: ENFJ-A 3w2
Social- Creative Exercise (remixed by Cleffernotes: )
Battle- Pepperman Strikes ( )
Voiceclaim: Not sure yet but she has a Queens accent


She was the fourth robot created by Anthropologist and Roboticist, Dr. Yama Miyamoto. She was created for visual arts and aspires to become the best artist in town. Having studied and practiced different mediums and styles, she is often seen drawing the things she sees around her and in her imagination.

Just like her linemates, she had been hijacked by Wily's forces and forced to work under Dr. Wily in his plans for world domination. Luckily all of the Miyamoto numbers were given a second chance upon being defeated, with some of them even helping MegaMan thwart said plans.

Since then, she continued on with her life taking care of her siblings and inspiring others through artwork. She hopes to one day get a personal art studio.


She is as colorful in demeanor as she is in looks. Many have described her as optimistic, friendly, and kind. She is patient but also curious and easily excited. By nature of an artist, she has an active imagination. She does get stubborn, somewhat short-tempered, and may be blunt at times, but she has a genuine desire to help others improve. She does tend to get rough on herself when things don't go well for her.


Height- 5'7"
Weight- 205 lbs
Build- Feminine form with slight definition in the hips. Her apron is made out of cotton.
Material- Certainium reinforced with nicke

Copy weapon-Sketch Paint is a corrosive paint that can corrode stainless steel. This can also slow opponents down. She may opt for a Spattoon-style brush rolling technique or swing her brush to fling paint.


  • SketchBrush: An oversized paint brush that often has her corrosive SketchPaint on it.
  • Supply Box: A box filled with art supplies of varying mediums, from pencils and pens to markers and paints.
  • Sketchpad: They may vary in size or paper content, but she's almost never seen without one.
  • Artist's beret: Sometimes she may keep photos inside this hat.



  • Her paint is corrosive enough to speed up stainless steel breakdown.
  • By nature of an artist she has an eye for detail and can be quite observant.
  • She has a high resistance against corrosive materials such as acid.
  • By nature of an artist she has a steady hand, enabling her to land strikes with an artist's precision.


  • She does not take water or wind-based attacks very well.
  • She must rely on her weapon and stacking up on paints to do real damage.
  • Strength? What is that?


SketchWoman really likes tea and coffee, and sometimes can be seen indulging in bubble tea. She is really good with kids and loves drawing alongside them. She is often seen visiting art museums and parks. Her main musical tastes include classical, orchestral, and instrumental Jazz.


Please do not mention NFTs around her: She will get on a lecture on how it is all a stupid scam. She also seems a bit terrified of wasps.

Miscellaneous Info:

  • When making exclamations, she often references famous artists or paintings. "By DaVinci's Mona Lisa! She has an even more charming smile!"
  • She has caught the eyes of some art museums and schools and has been asked to be a guest painter for them.
  • Very good with kids as she has experience looking after her younger sisters, TigerWoman and SugarWoman. Additionally, she regularly works with children when teaching them how to paint.
  • She always seems to have paint on her face and shoulders.
  • A lot of her friends call her Crayola. This comes from the patterns on her gauntlets and boots.
  • Asexual and grey omniromantic.
  • Used to be a self insert!