Yuri Takeshi



5 years, 11 months ago



Name Yuri Takeshi
Nicknames N/A
Age 20
Gender Male
Species Puma/lion mix
DoB Jan 14th
Height 5'1"
Weight 80lbs
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Theme Song link

Yuri is the main character of When the Stars Align and is an anthropomorphic puma/lion hybrid. The story follows him ever since birth, but he eventually grows up to be quite a mischievous stinker.


  • Chocolate cake
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Toshiyuki
  • Taiyaki


  • Bad lies
  • Boring and annoying people
  • Bland food
  • Fire



Yuri is mischievous and stubborn with everything he does. His beliefs are very strong and nearly impossible to change. If he doesn't like you, he won't listen to you, and will sometimes do the exact opposite of what you ask. Although, with his friends, he is very kind and generous. He enjoys making food for his friends, and will often cook for them as long as they don't own a gas stove as he is incredibly scared of fire.


Yuri was born into a small, yet important, group of a diverse selection of big cats in a town filled with pumas. His mother happened to be the leader of this group and owned the entire town that lay outside of the forest, though she was always a kind leader, and allowed Akemi's parents to move into the town despite it being filled with only pumas. Yuri was always taught with kindness and to show kindness, but because of having a child that didn't look like him like Yuri's older sister did, Yuri's father was abusive and aggressive with the poor child and did things like breaking his tail, cropping his ears and attempting to even dye his fur with toxic paint. When his mother found out she was absolutely furious and sparked a fight that ended with Yuri's father setting the forest on fire, killing the majority of the cult including Yuri's mother who died saving her son and daughter from the merciless flames. Eventually, his sister ran off after finding Yuri a decent home with Toshiyuki's uncle, and he never saw her until they were both much older.


  • Favourite food(s): Chocolate cake made by Cream
  • Favourite drink(s): Grape fanta
  • Favourite colour(s): Purple
  • His mother's group had the same outfit as Yuri, and he still wears it to try and live up to his mother's legacy
  • His clothes are actually quite baggy due to him being so underweight.

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