


7 months, 19 days ago


This was a design a character !


Dionysos (Dyo for short)


Hybrid Dragon

Dionysos hates humans. And weaks. The first reason for the first  hating, is that he was a past slave. He got sold by his mom (human)  after he got 3 years old, and that his tail and horns grown more. His  father got his mom pregnant (He was a full dragon in disguise) and left  after. He was a slave from his 3 to his 16. Dyo was always chained to  the wrist and ankles, but only the ankles scared, the wrist's skin was  to thick to mark. 

Dyo is cheerful, and kind to who he loves. Being a big brother was not in his plan, but he still adapted to the role and he loves them very much.

On a night, a  fire occured to the place he was kept in. Scared to actually lose his  life, he broke the chains from the wall, and got away by flying through a  window. Coughing but out without any more scars, he was faced with two  shadows, which was one of a girl of his age, and a younger boy, that  later he learned to be named Sasha and Kai. Their paths encountered on this fateful night, and Dyo just took them under his care, as he was in a 'better' state than them.

In the friend group, he is the loneliest, as he only get along with Olive, Sasha, Kai and Sirius (barely).

His best friend is Olive, and he is scared of Olive's crush Athena, as this Athena is also a dragon, but the princess.

He blames himself for being weak when he was emprisoned.

Dionysos hold a big sense of fashion, as he love stylishing his clothes and hair style. 

He hates the god associated with his name, so he plan to make everyone change view on this name.

He is the big brother of the group : He adopted Sasha & Kai as his siblings.