unnamed's Comments

Hiya! I'd love to buy this lil lovely for $30. is that okay?

Sure! <3

Heres the paypal


Let me know when the payment is done so I can check (it may take time) <3

Money has been sent!

any of These for it?

love the design <3

same answer

Is this character still open for trade?


Art offer or character trades?

I'll look at everything so just offer ^^

Okay, Maybe I can make headshots and fullbody artworks for you if you like? :3

sadly your art style is not really what Im looking for but thanks for offering anyway ^^

Would you consider anyone besides Aria Leia Blythe Akira Mae Nala frappe Melanie Laelia lumi MaeBelle Stardust and Enna I can also add as much art as you see fit you can choose multiple 

Sadly nothing really interested me 

Thanks for offering <3

Anyone here ?

oh so many characters but sadly I didnt see any I would use(
Thanks for offering <3

Bummer, thanks for looking

its just really hard to interest me with characters thats why it has lowest priority(

I understand, it’s cool ^^
