Silvia's Comments

AAA I love love love this design!!! I can't offer money rn but I'd do a half body and an icon for her?? or if you want to do a trade I have a ufo folder you can look at :)

sure i can probably take that! as long as they're not too sketchy ^^ what sort of stuff are you best at drawing :^)

i will be sure to use cleaner lineart for sure!! and hm I'd say humans and anthro characters are what I'm best at! I can figure out most any species I'd say, but I don't have a lot of experience with reptiles. I'm a big fan of rainbow color pallettes and I really like fluffy characters of any kind :)

if you could do a halfbody for chimm-chimm and an icon for comet id love that!

they are so cute omggg !!!! i will send them over soon :3

tysm! ^^