[RC] Hikari Dawnlight



7 months, 19 days ago


Hikari Dawnlight

Master Detective 

19 y.o

Arrived late at Kanai Ward after she missed her way of transportation (she over slept)

Forte : Body Scan Autopsy
Her forte works like an scan.
Her eyes scan the body, and the informations about it apears under a interactive panel she can touch and move around.
The infos on the panel are :
->Name/Identity of the person (even if badly defigured)
->Cause of death and time of death
->Where was the victim killed (outside/inside)
->Any informations that a death report have/autopsy
She can only register one death report at a time, but when she have it  registered, she can access it any time. A new registering means the  previous one is deleted (but she still have a good memory)

Hikari's often saying that her forte don't really suit her, but she's  grown accostumed to it. She likes bright and colorful things (Because  she is scared of the dark) so her raincoat is really bright and glow in  the dark.
She also likes weirds objects (like her belt, which she find funny) and sweets.
Hikari have a difficult personnality. She is violent and swear often,  insulting everyone resulting in nobody being friends, but deep inside,  she is just scared of social interaction, but she is also scared of  loneliness, so it become a visious circle for the girl.

Rumor : Nobody really know what's her real hair color or eye color. But it seems that black hair was how it was.

She really hope to get friends in the Nocturnal Detective Agency.
She wanted to be a spy, but after seeing her aunt and little sis being  killed by a serial killer, she became a detective to find him. She's  always angry when someone mention that, and she never hesitate to go  fist fight, resulting in bruises.