
The path was clear, the chain was broken, and freedom was just inches away. None of the triplets dared make a sound in fear of alerting the others. They wanted to escape the gruesome work of the Underworld. Bound to work for Hades since birth,  they wanted something more than the ever-growing darkness of preventing the lost souls of the damned from escaping back into the realm of the living. But here at that moment, they could see the gates opening.

The oldest one of the siblings speaks, his longer hair swooping to the side, "We have to do this. We don't have any other choice." The other two siblings nodded, agreeing with the head in the middle. Where he would go they would go whether they be conjoined or not.

So the three darted to the opening, pushing through the doors to the living. Glorious bright white light surrounded the siblings and seemed to drown them out. The head on the left swore they heard shouting from behind them. With both heads turned back, the siblings could make out a  grey hand amidst the light. It seemed to have grabbed something pulling a  ghostly figure out from the body of the Cerberus before surrounding the trio in darkness instead of the once warm light of the living.

Many months passed and the two siblings came to know the horror of what happened that day, their beloved brother was stuck in the Underground and something more unholy now lived in his body. The two siblings were trapped with this thing that called itself their brother. Whatever replaced their sibling was evil. Slapped with a muzzle, the two siblings had no more say. All sense of freedom vanished from them just as if they were still trapped working for Hades.

Damien (Center), Spencer (Left), Zeke (Right)