Camo 🪖



8 months, 2 days ago


Though he might not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, what Camo lacks in smarts he makes up for in enthusiasm and charm! Often seen in a metal army helmet that's several sizes too big, Camo can be counted on to complete any "mission" his owner gives him no matter how small. Collateral damage notwithstanding.

>For Art<

Camo’s namesake camo print pattern is up for artistic interpretation in terms of actually placing the splotches of color on him, just make sure to stick with his proper color pallet.

Though not quite accurate to real army helmets, the ear flaps on Camo’s helmet are bendable at the point where they connect with the main helmet. This allows for more varied poses and positioning of his arms.

>Masterlist Post<

This Kofling manifested from a camoflauge army net.
Seen through its round ear windows, it collects toy soldiers,
and is obviously a legend at hide-and-seek!