
Not even death can take me away from you.


Quantum • Abundance • Stellaron Hunters

Bounty 4.8B Credits

Age 530+ years old

Height 159.7 cm

Love Interest Eden


Mila was born in Snezhnaya, Teyvat's Land of Perpetual Winter. Due to her parents' own hobbies and interests, Mila had become interested in medicine since childhood. This was the reason why after she offered to join the Tianliu Clan as a way to repay her gratitude to the then-Tianliu Clan Patriarch—who saved her and her family after a failed adventure in Dragonspine, she opted to become their resident medic. As she was young and far away from home, the Liu Family's young madam, Yang Mei, constantly looked after her, treating her as if she was her own child. It was through this layer of relationship that Liu Zhixin had met her, which would caused the young man to relentlessly pursue her throughout the years.

At some point, after becoming an adult, Mila had encountered a little girl on the brink of death amidst the snowstorm. Initially, Mila only planned to take her in temporarily; however, after finding out that the little girl's parents abandoned her, she chose to informally adopt her. This little girl was later given the name "Kira", after refusing to use her birth name. Mila would sometimes take Kira with her to Liyue when she's going to be away for more than a few days, and would do her best to teach Kira necessary life skills all the while pampering her. At some point, she also encountered the Honorary Harbinger that goes by the name Gli Innamorati, who she extended her help to after seeing the extent of their injuries.

As time passed, she continued to cultivate her relationship with others—minus Liu Zhixin, who continuously courted her despite her constant rejection. While she and Kira became closer as siblings, she and the Honorary Harbinger also became familiar with each other. At some point, they told her about their past, their curse, and everything about themself as a way to discourage Mila's growing affection; in spite of this, Mila remained strong, eventually causing the Khaenri'ahn to admit their feelings and start a romantic relationship with her. Her close relationship with Yang Mei also bloomed, extended to her children who were a pair of twins. While she would help take care of Liu Xinyi, she would serve as a mentor to Liu Minhua.

It was for this reason that after Liu Zhixin committed treason within the clan, pushing his siblings to death just so he can become the Head of the Tianliu Clan, Mila had strongly expressed her disgust towards him. This act offended Liu Zhixin and his ego, quipped with his embarrassment of being constantly rejected by her in the past years, that he ended up calling for her death. In the end, she died at her home, with Kira witnessing it by accident. Her death would later prompt her lover to kill Liu Zhixin, and her younger sister to scramble around Teyvat for clues about her death and killer.

Surprisingly, though, when Mila was reborn as a Xianzhou Native named Meixia, she retained bits and pieces of her memories as Mila. She would be constantly visited by these vague memories, causing her to be restless. Her restlessness would be fueled by the frequent throbbing of one of her eyes—which had a mark that she would later realize was the symbol of the Fatui—that she chose to explore the cosmos in order to find a way to retrieve her memories and return to the home her heart desires. This was the very thing Elio had promised her in exchange for her alliance with him and the rest of the Stellaron Hunters.

Although Mila had no interest in killing, her fighting skills from her past life that she somehow retained were enough to make her formidable. Additionally, her fighting skills and knowledge in medical arts were further enhanced by the unknown power within her—which is later revealed to be a fragment of her lover's powers, bound to her soul due to their grief and wish to keep her by his side even after death—which caused her to have a decently high bounty. Although she gets along well with the Stellaron Hunters, she was closest to Yue, who she later found out to be in a similar yet opposite situation as her. Mila is also someone they said that you shouldn't cross, as she can become scary if pissed off.


Extroverted Introverted
Honest Dishonest
Courageous Cowardly
Emotional Cold
Strong Weak

Traits and Trivia


Despite coming off as serious and responsible, Mila seems to have some interest when it comes to pranks.

She also loves to harmlessly make fun of her loved ones, which includes intentionally siding with Faust to mess with Eden; calling her younger sister a "foolish little lamb"; and constantly egging on Liu Minhua's competitiveness.


Although Mila likes to practice her medical knowledge, she dislikes having to treat people close to her. In fact, she prefers to have no use for her medical knowledge, than constantly see people at risk.


Liu Minhua, who would later be known as Xue, takes after Mila a lot. In fact, Eden once commented that Mila and Xue are a lot more like sisters than Mila and Kira are.

Despite being easygoing most of the times, she's someone barely anyone wants to cross. As such, even powerful people such as the two Honorary Harbingers of the Fatui, the Tsaritsa's Hidden Hand, the first female Tianliu Clan Head, and the strongest among the Three Pillars are all people who would try and remain on her good side.

Mila's name after being reincarnated as a Xianzhou Native is "Meixia"; however, she resonates more with the name "Mila" and chose to go by that name.

Mila has a fragment of Eden's powers as a result of them accidentally cursing her soul after death. This is why Mila has a Fatui symbol in one of her eyes, as well as how she kept her memories even after being reborn.

After regaining her memories, Mila noted that, although Nix was lovable on her own, it must have been fate for her to look after someone whose personality was a mix of Kira's innocence and cluelessness, and Xue's straightforward personality.




"I will always find my way back to your side, so you should always wait for me, okay?"

Adopted Younger Sister

"It's not surprising that a foolish little lamb like you willingly offered herself into a wolf's mouth."

Design Notes!

Fatui symbol on her left eye
Regular pupil on her right eye
Brown hair tied into twin-braids
Shorter back hair, longer front hair

Music - Artist

Code created by Evoidless ♡