


8 months, 4 days ago


˗ˏˋ Asmodé ˊˎ˗


"Let's cause a little trouble"


The Lust Sin/La déchèterie/La MST sur pattes(by Léviathan)/Amore Mio(by Rim)
2769 years

Presentation - Story

Asmodé is the third superior demon created by Satan, representing the Lust Sin. He runs the third principalty of Hell, Aym, where are located pleasure of the nights (bars, casinos, clubs, whorehouses, strip clubs...). He is the personal owner of the biggest strip club in Hell, named "Hell's Delight". He grew up as a son of Satan. He was quite popular at school because he was funny. He made everyone laugh. He quickly developed a passion for cooking, whether to make it or eat it. He enjoyed the food that Satan prepared for him very much. He ate a lot and quickly gained weight. He was bullied for being fat during his adolescence in school, which leads him to be very worried about his weight and appearance. In high school, he decided to get into sports to lose weight and become popular again with others. Satan agreed that he should play sports, for himself, but not for others. Asmodé wanted to start bodybuilding, but Satan refused. He told him that his young demon body had not quite completed its growth, and that it could be dangerous. Asmodé, upset, decided to go to gym secretly. Satan evidently discovered the truth, noticing his weight loss and his diminished appetite. He lectured him and deprived him of outing and sport. Asmodé, once again offended, decided to go to a party. Since his weight loss, others paid more attention to him. Satan surprised him, and scolded him severely. He decided to put him in boarding school for a temporary period. He no longer knew what to do to calm him down. He allowed him to return to bodybuilding, but not to go in parties. Asmodé calmed down. Once he was of age, he found himself under the tutelage of a good friend of Satan who teached him the strings of his future profession. He was going to become the CEO of the most famous nightclub in Hell, and was going to manage all the net around it. He did not return to see his father, believing that they had nothing to say. He began his life of debauchery in the years that followed, quickly falling into alcohol, drugs and sex. He constantly needs to please and appeal to others people, earning self-confidence and dopamine through the process and making him feel alive. One day, despite being a powerful high-ranking demon, he overdosed. Satan himself took care of him in the hospital, and saved him. This was probably their first contact since Asmodé left the boarding school. Satan scolded him again. Asmodé, disappointed to see the pity and disappointment in the look of the one he considered his father, decided to go to rehab. He never touched drugs again, reserving alcohol for parties. He could only find pleasure and meaning in his miserable life through sex. One day he met a tall female demon in a party. He quickly was charmed and fell in love, despite himself. She was not the perfect woman, far from it, but he loved her. They married after 6 months and decided to have a child. But Asmodé, very demanding in love but also in sex, quickly felt neglected by his partner, who no longer looked at him and no longer touched him. He became depressed and he hid it from her, wanting only her happiness and the hapiness of their future child. However, his wife no longer seemed to like him, at least not in the way he wanted. They still had a little girl whom they called Lilith. Asmodé was happy with her birth, visibly happier than his wife. And what was to happen happened. Asmodé finally found comfort in the arms of another, then in his sheets. His wife found out, and left him, furious, let him deal alone with his daughter. She claimed she never wanted to see him again. He managed somehow to raise his daughter and try to cure his depression. But he could not manage his daughter, his professional life and his intimate life. He sank a little more into depression, alcohol and sex, completely abandoning his teenage daughter. He realized that once she was over and gone to live her life, all that he had missed. This further deepened his depression.

  • ?
  • Metamorphosis (human/demon)
  • Fly
  • Superhuman speed and strenght
  • Aura reading
  • Regeneration
  • Extreme senses
  • Immortality



He is unbearable in general for others as he tends to seduce EVERYTHING that breathes.

He is a dumb but very kind person on whom you can rely. He always smiles and tries to make others laugh and happy. However, he is a depressed person who doesn't trust himself. He wears a mask, his beautiful smile, to hide it. He will never seek help from others, not wanting to hurt them, and preferring to fend for himself.


  • SEX (avec Rim c'est le feu)
  • Le pétard colossal de Rim
  • going out (parties...)
  • cooking (italian food espacially mamamia) - ravioli
  • snakes
  • coffee (cappuccino>>>)
  • Himself







Lilith d'Aym

( Daugther )

"Like father like daughter. I love her so much."

"I know I’ve let her down a lot. And I’m sorry for that. She deserves all the gold in the world. But luckily she has a great girlfriend who takes care of her. She’s better at picking partners than her father. Yes. I totally just shot myself."


Satan d'Astaroth

( Creator/Paternal figure )

"He always tries to do his best with us. Big respect for that."

"I know I’ve been a bit of a disruptive child and teenager.... I just disappoint him. And yet I love him. He is my father and he will remain my father forever. I owe him a lot. Even though I felt neglected and miserable compared to my brothers and sisters. I know he’s doing his best. I wouldn’t want to be in his place. It's hard dor him."


Rim (Caristra RP)

( girlfriend )

"FuCkInG gOd! She's EVERYTHING to me. She basically saved my fucked up life."


Méphistophélès d'Asmon

( "Older brother" )

"Ha ha... Him. I don't really like him..."


Mammon d'Anarazel

( "Older brother" )

"I like him. He's kind. But I think that he didn't forget that I owe him money..."


Léviathan de Furfur

( "Younger brother" )

"It's funny because I am his older brother. And he reeeally looks like me sometimes. Sorry not sorry."


Belzébuth de Behemoth

( "Younger sister" )

"She's so freaking cute. Just like a little tiny bee."


Bélial d'Eligor

( "Younger sister" )

"HmMmMm... I don't know... She looks more like a man than me. I bet she's 100% lesbian. In denial."


Belphégor de Celsius

( "Younger sister" )

"I like her. She really seems to pay attention while I'm talking."


Raphaël de Rochel

( Acquaintance )

"I like him. He's a really nice person. Maybe I could fuck him if he wasn't kind of my family. And of course if I hadn't my beautifuuul and looovelyy wife."


Lucifer d'Asmon

( Acquaintance )

"I don't really know him. He doesn't talk. In fact, he's quiet boriiinng."


73 kg
Demon (Sin)
  • He has a black snake named Ravioli. He has a tatoo of him on his back.
  • He presents the caracteristics of a bat and a bull in his demon form.
  • He has hearts shaped marks on his right thigh in his demon form.