
7 months, 15 days ago


Kon Kon!
He / They
??? (3rd March)
Boost Mark II Buckle
A sentient beast form of the Boost Mark II Buckle


A sentient creature born from the Boost Mark II buckle, Boost is a fox like being that will loyally follow those he deems to be mortally right who wield the buckle's powers. They can freely transform between their buckle form and wild form at will.


Boost is a creature that is very excitable and frequently will run around whatever confidement they're in. They don't tend to speak often, usually just resorting to saying 'Kon' or making animal like noises. When he does speak though, it comes out quite robotic and it's clear they only have a (currently) basic understanding of language. He will be very loveable to those he likes and will always happily hug or cuddle with his companion. They'll defend their companion to the bitter end, through thick and thin if he finds them worthy. Boost is friendly to anyone that Ace was previously on friendly terms with prior to his death. If Ace disliked them before he was gone, he will growl and snarl at them openly, refraining from attacking them however unless given the go ahead.

Boost will tend to nap and suddenly fall asleep in random spots, most of the time being exceedinly inconvenient to their current owner. This is because, while they're incredibly fast, they run out of energy and need to recharge. If Boost doesn't find the person wielding the buckle worthy of their use, they will automatically return to Ukiyo Ace, whom they are sworn to first and foremost.

Headbutting Tycoon/Keiwa
Ukiyo Ace
Being brushed
Playing tag with others
Being woken up
Being given a bath
Most of the DGP Staff
Boost has a mechanical mouth but it's only used to eat. They speak without it through a voice box and speakers that are hidden underneath the muzzle.
Though he does not have a specific age due to being a combination of boost bukcles from across time, it is clear they are of adulthood.
He plays tag with people and animals, even if they're not willing participents.


Boost! Mark II! Ready, Fight!

He was born from the wish of Ace across time, merging into one singular buckle. After Ace's fight with Michinaga, he made his presence known to Ace, appearing before the man. Ace since kept the fox a secret from the others and would talk to them in private. Boost was sad and shead a tear when Ace left the world, morouning infront of the shrine in their proper form. This lead into them being found on accident while sitting infront of the shrine by Tsumuri and Keiwa. They were both very scared of Boost at first due to not knowing their origins, but once they understood it was the former human's buckle, they took them in The job of keeping Boost was then split between Keiwa, Neon, Michinaga and Win. He was both easy and horrendously difficult to keep as a pet, seeing that their energy could spike and cause them to make a mess of their room by running around. Despite that, they all take affectionatly to him and consider them a family member of sorts.

Physical Attributes

Boost may look like a fox, but truthfully he is a bizzare creature with no earthy known anatomy. If one were to X-ray them, it is an odd mixture of a human's skeleton and that of a dog like creature, though it's clear the bones are made of an unknown material. He doesn't have any internal organs of a human nature, more asless looking like mechanical parts to a robot. While being able to dijest food and liquid, it just seems to dissappear into his body or he regurgtates it upwards. He will prefer standing on 2 legs for staying still, but while running, he will run on his 4 legs.


Ace Ukiyo Guardian

Boost trusts Ace the most and swore themself to be the man's protector. Boost enjoyed the other's company and will still find themself sleeping in the sun by the shrine to be in his presence. They miss Ace and longs for him to return.

Sakurai Keiwa Friend

Boost is the most careful in Keiwa's house when they stay around his because of how clustered the home is, cleaning up after themselves carefully and hugging their tails when walking around so they don't knock over objects. They think Keiwa's pets are the best out of all of the people he visits.

Neon Kurama Friend

Out of the main ones left alive, they prefers Neon the most as they thinks she brushes them the best and gives lots of nice treats. He tries dancing with her sometimes away from the camera, but they're quite clumsy at it, ending up in both of them laughing if he falls over. They also like the rest of Neon's family, getting nice pets and time to sleep around her father.

Michinaga Azuma Friend

Boost was hesitant at first around Michinaga but they have grown a liking towards one another over time. They find Michinaga's house the most comfortable to nap in, and occasionally Michinaga will fall asleep leaning against Boost's body for his warm fur.