


7 months, 16 days ago



And they lied. That's all they fucking do. They're gone, and they aren't coming back, so wake the fuck back up to reality.


Full nameAdrik
NicknameAddi (Only Close Friends/Lovers)
RaceHuman (Abyss Tainted)
Disabilities/MutationsAbyss Touched/Tainted, Insanity/Mania, PTSD, Depression, Severe Paranoia
OccupationAssassin, Fatui Rebel

Rarity5 Star
ElementPyro (Snezhnaya)
BirthdayNovember 17th
NationMostly Mondstadt (Born in Snezhnaya)
AffliationFatui Rebel


  • Killing (Fatui Mostly)
  • Being Alone
  • Being in Control


  • Annoying People
  • Fatui
  • The Abyss
  • Himself


  • Killing Fatui
  • Hanging Out With His Lovers/Allies
 Character Info 


Adrik always sees the negatives of life, always taking things seriously and always preparing for things to go wrong and for them to have to be on the run again. Despite this they are learning to trust others again with the help of the Ragnvindrs and other allies, slowly getting over their severe paranoia and learning to control and cope with their abyssal taint/form. They are usually found at or around Dawn Winery, often on jobs or follow leads with Diluc or off on his own killing sprees with Mana to sate his abyssal hunger. Because of his abyssal taint he is prone to fits of mania or insanity, especially under extreme stress, pain, or high emotions, usually causing uncontrollable laughter, murderous urges, or even a full transformation into an abyssal creature if truly left unchecked/sated. Said taint has also altered his ability to perceive pain, instead being addicting and adrenaline inducing rather than... painful.


Hailing from a family of Fatui rebels, Adrik grew up knowing the true side of said faction. When his parents were killed after being found out, he was taken in and trained against his will to serve the fatui as an assassin. After falling into the abyss he was trapped there for quite some time, as time flows differently in the abyss, and while his physical form didn't change much (other than scarring) he mentally aged and hardened over time. After meeting a rifthound pup, Mana (who later shed into her adult form) they finally escaped back onto the surface before going on the run from the Fatui, now catching a certain Harbinger's eyes as one of the few survivors of the abyss.

Adrik and Mana spent the next couple of years in the wilderness, avoiding cities and slaughtering any Fatui they came across before stumbling upon Diluc in the wilds of Mondstadt, wary at first before forming a business like relationship with the fellow fatui loather. After meeting the travelers they started to grow more open to getting attached to others, finally getting closer to civilization as a whole (getting over the severe paranoia of being hunted down) and being able to rest.


When the Fatui figured out that his parents were rebels, they stormed the house, aiming to slaughter everyone inside. His parents rushed him safety before confronting them themselves, quickly being overpowered and killed. Adrik, despite being merely a child at the time, ran out to fight back in a burst of flames, gaining a pyro vision and catching the interest of the attacking Fatui. They decided he would be useful, bringing him back to force him into their ranks like many others.

  • Despite keeping his distance often, Adrik is actually quite touch starved and enjoys being close to the very few he actually trusts.
  • Adrik has a boyfriend and a girlfriend, Mirai and Lumine.
  • Adrik is physically 34 (mentally around over 100 from his time in the abyss).
  • WIP
  • WIP