


8 years, 5 months ago



Aliases Cal/Calvy
Gender Male
Age Unknown
species Deer/Centaur
Birthday Unknown date in November
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Size Shoulder Height-150cm
Residence A large mountainous forest
Role Forest guardian
Family situation Single - Not Looking

Trivia / Misc.

  • Flowers
  • Chimes
  • Order
  • Ignorant people
  • Spirits
  • Chaos
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Calvik wonders about his forest often alone but sometimes accompanied by wildlife and the odd spirit that crosses his path. He is the guardian of his forest and he takes the role very seriously however when not worrying about work he is nothing short of a playful goofball.

He spends most of his free time frolicking in the forest, rolling in the dirt, and picking flowers he is fond of to decorate his hair-like mane.

Although Calvik sees it as unwise to walk the edge of his forest, where the wild meets the settlements of man, he has often found himself drawn to it. As a guardian of the forest it is not his place to interfere with life itself but keep a watchful eye and maintain the balance of this land. Therefore he does not stop the men as they enter his forest searching for game just as he does not stop the wolf from taking the life of a pheasant. Instead, he watches curiously just out of reach.












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Life is like the wind of a breeze, ever-changing it's direction and force yet always predictable if you know where to look and how to read it.

Super chilled and laid back, he's simple-minded and easy to please, at least on his own time however when it comes to his work there are no more games.

While working Calvik can come across as very uptight and stern. People will often mistake his purpose with that of a protector of life and look down at him for allowing a life to come to an end but all life ends and when that time is up it's not his job to say.


Early Life

Calvik can't remember much about his childhood if he even had one. Even in his earliest memories, it felt as if he was alone but he knows this not to be true. It is as if a ghost raised him, shaped him for his purpose, his duty as the guardian of the forest.

The Girl

Constantly being drawn to the edge of the forest has always put Calvik at risk and while he has no explanation for this pull there was always a huge risk. There was one day when he got a little too close, allured by the wind chimes that small humans were playing with as they ran the forest's edge, trying to climb trees and catch small insects that caught their eyes. Calvik had been so focused on staying out of sight of these small humans that he had not noticed the adolescent human who sat in a small clearing of the forest, a shaded spot that was surrounded by flowers. She was too busy to notice Calvik at first as she stung flowers together into a crown. However, as Calvik turned to leave he was startled by her presence giving himself away. She was gentle and kind and Calvik found himself feeling an odd calm around her. That first meeting did not last long as panicked larger humans soon came looking for the girl but it was not the last time they met up.


bothered Calvik, not seen by many but affecting all. They are often chaotic in nature and can easily throw off the balance of Calviks dear forest if they aren't too careful with their games. He has never forgiven the annoying menaces for their meddling, changing forms of the innocent. It was these spirits that first interfered with his own form, sowing and changing his appearance as he slept blissfully unaware. They teased and tormented him for his fondness of the girl that came from the settlements of man. He was not impressed by these words and fought the spirits on every line that they told, asking them to change him back to how he was but they did not. On two legs the torment continued for several months before Calvik found a reliable way to change his form himself and return to the shape of a deer. He still holds the ability to shift his form between that of a deer and a half-man.

The Now

Calvik has not seen the girl for a while now that he has returned to his deer form and often wonders where she has gone but he tries not to dwell on the thought too long. He remains in his forest as its guardian, fulfilling his duty to it.

Design Info