Dr. Krior's Comments

i have some terra items if you want them?

I don’t really know anything about Terras, so I’m not sure?

If you like terraliens I wanna get rid of em hdndb

I just looked up Terraliens, I think I’ve seen them around. Though there seems to be some sort of drama going around them atm from what I saw on Tumblr? What sort of Terra items do you have? I might be interested.

the drama has passed after ownership was transferred to someone else https://terraliens.org/inventory + https://terraliens.org/bank

Ack! So sorry for the late response, I just made myself an account and took a look at the links you sent. They don't show me anything, if it makes it easier, I can add you on discord and you can show me through there?

6 Replies