Storm Starborne



11 months, 18 hours ago


-Name: Storm Starborne

-Species: Thundarian/Culvachian hybrid

-Age: 52 years old

-Gender: Male

-Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 8’8

-Class:    Environmental

-Job:  Botanist

-Stats: (Everyone gets 18 Stat Points to fill out the following. Stats and dice rolling will be pinned in <#1158881005625671813>.)

-Speed: 🟢🟢⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️ 2/6

-Strength:  🟢🟢🟢⚪️⚪️⚪️3/6

-Endurance:  🟢🟢🟢⚪️⚪️⚪️ 3/6

-Charisma:  🟢🟢🟢🟢⚪️⚪️ 4/6

-Wisdom:  🟢🟢🟢⚪️⚪️⚪️ 3/6

-Intelligence:  🟢🟢🟢🟢⚪️⚪️ 4/6


Can ride all rides. Carnivals and all.

Can identify any known flower rather easily. He loves to research as much as he can in his free time.

Judgment: can smell your bullshit from across the Orion(mainly used on Kit and his Crocodile tears)


He doesn't have that much leg strength, he does have enough for basic tasks but he needs help from others for larger plants and items. He can't climb because of thus. I mean ladders are fine but he can't climb like a thundarian at all.

Storm can't handle sour citrus or acidic foods. He has a slight allergy to them. They mess with his stomach pretty good. Though he does love the smells.

He gets back pains and some leg pains from the gravity. It's not enough to warrant him getting any braces. (it's not as bad as Simon’s pain is as he is half Thundarian)

-Personality: Storm is pretty friendly and easier to get along with than his younger brother, Kit. He prefers to stay focused on his work and sometimes stays for all-nighters. He isn’t a fan of loud noises despite being half thundarian. He’s had to deal with the noise enough with his family. He does have a more upper-class thing going but he doesn’t shove it down people’s throats and he isn’t really snobbish either.


Storm is the elder brother of Kit. He is a halfbrother as his mother was married to a Culcachian a long time ago.  His mother then managed to marry into the Starborne Family at the age of 15 years, before Kit hatched. Storm’s step father didn’t like him all that much but didn’t hate him just standoff-ish in a way. Storm does find it nice to interact with others that are roughly the same height or taller as it makes it easier for his neck. He messes with Kit from time to time just to playfully annoy him. He does have a good relationship with his younger brother.
Storm and Kit have the same mom.

-Roleplay Example:

Storm leans forward as he looks through the microscope, examining the cell makeup of a leaf of a new plant that came in. He carefully moved the glass tray to the left just a tiny bit to look at another part of the leaf. "Interesting. The cells are a little bit different at the edge of the leaf then the center. It's best if I note that down." Storm lifts his head just a little and moves it to see a nearby screen, typing a few things down. He then lifts his posture up and stretches. Small harmless pops here and there can be heard. "Ooh that stretch felt nice. Perhaps a small break is in order. I've been looking at this specimen for about an hour now."


He like sweet smells. He doesn't like strong perfumes. It overwhelms his sense
He likes silver things.
He's not as picky with his feathers being taken as Kit but he does prefer people to ask first. He does also like to keep his feathers nice but if they get dirty they get dirty. He doesn't care.
He doesn't have the best mimicking ability. He can mimick basic sounds but mostly bird like sounds only but even then it isn't that good
He does have quills but they aren't sharp. They are also rather bendable. They are short so they hide in his feathers rather well.