


11 months, 7 hours ago


```Crew Information:

-Name: Felix

-Species: Thundarian

-Age: 23 years[semi young adult.]

-Gender: Male

-Pronouns: he/him/they/them

Height: 8ft tall.



-Job: Hydroponics Specialist


- pretty strong grip. Often used for carrying plants and stuff. He can anchor himself if needed. Great climber too.

- is pretty good at mimicking noises and even voices. Doesn't do voices very often

- pretty tolerant of noises. Well maybe except for piercing high pitched noises. Doesn't like those.  


- feathers everywhere during molting season. Rather annoying for him.(he also loses his quills during this so less defense with that)

- on the slower side in terms of speed.

- hates small cramped spaces. Though is fine with smaller places as long as there's a door that easily opens.

-Personality: he's usually pretty chill and friendly and enjoys others' company. Is still newer to ship life as he's been planet bound for his whole life until he got certified and signed up to join the space crew! He's a bit on the younger side in terms of experience but tries his best to keep in step with everything and not let anyone down even a little. He does get frustrated with his own feathers and quills as they can get in the way at times. He tries to be friendly with everyone and even tries to seem as reliable as possible to the others.


-Felix had a simple life on a farm growing up but loved to tend to plants. So much so that his family sent him to specialized school for plants and other stuff like that. He ended up being interested in working in the space department of agriculture of the school as well since go big or go home right? Felix did well enough to go to a college to be trained in Hydroponics in space so he could be certified to work on a ship. He did rather well and managed to get in the top 5 of his class. He applied to join the crew of Orion and scored an entry!

-Miscellaneous Information: Prefers to sleep in elevated places. Does like cooler climates sometimes but not exactly adapted to live in colder climates. Will give feathers away Turing molting season so if you want them just ask. Though if that would be allowed is to be determined. Felix doesn't want to get in trouble after all.
He will try his best to follow the rules. He's not a rule kisser but he'll give a unpleasant facial expression if he sees you doing something you probably shouldn't.

Roleplay Example:

Walking into the Ship docking area, Felix eyes lay upon the ship he'll be spending a majority of his career on, the Orion. His was excited to finally be able to put his degree to use! Felix was led by someone that worked at the dock into the ship itself. They led him to an office nearby, motioning him to enter. Felix nodded in understanding, entering the room with mostly controlled excitement.

[Random staff member that I made up for this] They acknowledged Felix as he enters the room. They grab a box and hand it over to him. "Welcome to Solaris. I have your uniform and the other items you will need when working on Orion. Please don't lose these. Bob will show you to your  sleeping chamber on the ship. Make sure to follow the rules." They point at the person who had shown Felix to the office.

Felix nods "Thank you Sir. I'll make sure to keep these things in order." Felix exites the office respectfully. [Gonna end this here as it's gotten long lol]

- floats in water… yep. Kinda like a chicken. Buoyant
- likes food. Like he loves tasting foods. Have a new recipe you made? Need a taste tester? Felix is up for it always.
- Felix likes making little trinkets and stuff with his molted feathers. They are pretty soft too as he takes good care of them and can even be used to stuff pillows or be used for clothing. Felix will trade feathers for silly things or small things.
- sometimes smells like a mix of plants.
- he may have feathers but can't fly whatsoever.
- when he was younger he grew up on a pretty big farm so he loves growing and caring for plants. It always reminds him of home.
- The  easiest way to befriend Felix is through food.
- will babysit plants for others whenever