
8 months, 9 days ago




 STRAY—A short haired, black and mostly red mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with a white belly and copper eyes. 

An outdoor kittypet named after a videogame, Stray regularly strays into Forestclan and Cometclan territory to talk to apprentices and warriors around her age. Is very close to becoming a warrior, but she believes herself too cowardly to join the hostile Forestclan and too weak to survive where Cometclan lives. Maybe later, when she’s older, she’ll join…

  • Likes:
  • exploring
  • talking with new cats
  • finding hidey holes
  • Dislikes:
  • feeling trapped
  • going hungry
  • hurting


Claws, Stray's sibling, rules a somewhat large cat gang in the City. They defend the block Stray's house is on, despite never really talking with Stray anymore.

Mottleface and Collie, by extension, are friends of Stray. Mostly because Mottle humors Stray's incessant questions with their patience.

Sparrownose is Stray's regular contact in Forstclan. For a given value of regular - only rarely every few moons are they able to talk. But every conversation is treasured by both parties. Sparrow learns about different ways cats live, and Stray learns more about wild life.

Velociraptor and Stray hang out in the park near Vel's home and gossip. Vel supplies stories from Autumn and the Family while Stray tells interesting stories and happenstances she learns from the farm duo or eavesdrops on in the City. They like theorizing and treating their gossip like a weekly drama reality show together.