[Spinxyn] Pidge



8 months, 1 day ago



His real name is Pookie Noodlin. He doesn’t tell ANYONE that, though. He can’t really decide if his parents really loved him or REALLY hated him. He goes by Pidge exclusively and will not react to anything else. 

Pidge started dumpster diving with good intentions. He wanted to make use of the items that others considered junk and recycle as much as possible. Unfortunately, he got a little too eager with it when people started paying ridiculous amounts for some of his refurbished arts, clothing and furniture. He started getting lazier and lazier with it, but charging more for each piece. He was struck down by a curse from one of the gods, his tail losing all its fur while becoming long and prehensile. His front paws also morphed and lost their fur. 

Embarrassed and frustrated by his new form, Pidge stuck even closer to his alleyways and dumpsters. But he learned his lesson. He went back to focusing on the main reason he started upsycling in the first place.