Victor Clerval (auroli)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Skye_The_Ferret Global Rules

Gifted characters: only can be gifted unless you have aadditional art along side with it to but it up for trade, if paid for commissioned art can resell for the price total of commissioned arts. Cant trade if it doesnt have additional art (using my image for height image doesnt count for additional art or quick traditional headshot sketches doesn't count either). Anything that you got art from request or gifted doesn't added vaule either. 

With Gifted designs must always ask if the designer wants the design back.

Resell of Characters: you only can resell for the price you broguht it unless you paid art from commissions then you can sell for a higher price however only add the moment of commissioned art to the character resell, no making your own price. Also if you made art for the character without getting commissioned art, you only can sell the character what the price you brought it from this ensure that nobody gets scammed and the amount the character is paid for always been in transfer request when I send it so people can check ownership to ensure they not getting scam.

Closed-Species currency: if any designs/ customs/ art was purchased with Closed-Species currnecy it doenst add vaule, in fact alot of Closed-Species if seeing them selling a design that was purchased with Closed-Species currency is against there's TOS. So, No! Any art/ customs that you purchased with Closed-Species currency from me or others doesn't add vaule to the characters only real life money, from Cash app, PayPal, Google play and ect only adds the vaule

Redesign/ Editing the Design: must keep it recognizable, allow minor edits such as clothing, accessories, different hairstyle, adding/removing marking or tattoos, can tweak colour platte but changing it to light or dark and a little bit of the hue, if big drastic change like changing the species (pony to wolf) or (human to pony) and ect I would be considered AU, if not planning to draw the character always can put it in basic tab saying 'not in use', but please still credit if making basic tab. If you unsure if a redesign looks more AU then Original always can let me know and let me decide if it looks way AU. However for Ponies changing species type from earth to peagus or peagus to unicorn and ect don't need for a basic tab.

Overall : 

You only can gifted/ trade/ resell a character if it's been after 2 weeks on getting it.