Mochi's Comments

What does MYO stand for fully? 

It stands for "Make Your Own"! It's a ticket for a closed species that allows you to have permission to make your own design of said closed species!

And how do I get it? I read it all and such I am still trying to understand all of this! 

You can get it trough various ways, either by trading with other people who have these MYO tickets, trading with me or buying them! It just sometimes depends on when and how I sell them, as I very rarely sell MYO tickets when there are plenty of adopts planned of my species!

May we trade with this one? 

Sadly not, as this MYO was made for someone else for a trade, and this one is already traded and belongs to someone else. But feel free to DM me if you have something to offer! You can check out my wishlist in my UFO folder!

2 Replies