Clamu the Cranium Clam



5 years, 10 months ago


Best kept in an aquarium or tank, it is quite friendly and makes pearls when it is happy and healthy. It is a simple creature, but is more aware than some realize - if you are nice to it but mean to others, it will not make pearls and will eventually leave.

I’ve also added on the fact that if it feels in danger or something is very urgent, it can pop out of its shell-skull. This one in particular very much likes Halloween, and dressing up!

So, somebody asked me what I feed my baby and I was like I dunno, BUT Clamu is adorable as hell so I decided I should come up with something for that! I am planning on making a little comic on it eventually so, I probably should!

Cranium Clams can eat human food, and often prefer it to the grass they find on river beds! Because they have so many little tentacles that are always squirming, they like to have very sweet, sugary snacks to keep up their energy - owners should have a budget prepared, though, because these little guys need food every half hour or so.

They also love salty food! Unfortunately, they need to be moist - eUGH - at all times, so they can only have very little amounts of salt at a time. NEVER FEAR THOUGH - should you accidentally feed your little guy a li'l more salt than he can handle, they can be easily revived by pouring water on them! This helps them properly stabilize their moisture and they’ll pop right back up in a minute or so, happy as a non-cranium-clam!

Oh. They also don’t have mouths. While the “iris” is confirmed to be the actual eye of the creature, the mouth is nowhere to be found. Food just disappears, like cartoon logic.