Falarica Waxclaw



7 months, 29 days ago


Name: Falarica Waxclaw

Legion: Ash (past)

Warband: Claw

Class: Elementalist, Catalyst

Age: 35 (born in 1304 AE)

Gender: female

Height: 230 cm

Weight: 500 kg

Preferred colors: Teal, blue, white, gold

Physical description: Falarica is an average sized Charr. Her fur is brown and her eyes are blue. Her mane is naturally brown but she dyes it teal and styles it in locks. She also decorates it with white-and-gold accessories.

Brief description: Falarica is the chillest Charr imaginable. She's a stoner hippie who didn't want to fight the humans so she left the Legions and lives happily in LA. It's impossible for her to have a negative relationship with anyone so she's still on very good terms with her old warbandmates. She's a mediocre spellcaster but good enough to occasionally get asked for help in various quests which she will gladly take as long as it doesn't require excessive violence. For some reason she's a fantastic investor and made a lot of gold in stocks.